Cadastral -- Information about the Washington State Parcel Database


About Cadastral
English (USA)

Since 2001, the Rural Technology Initiative-in partnership with Washington State government, conservation organizations, and forestry foundations- has been seeking an understanding of the geography and demographics of forest lands and forest landowners in Washington State. In 2001, RTI produced the Small Forest Landowner Database for the Washington Department of Natural Resources Small Forest Landowner Office. This was a quasi-spatial tabular database, and a first attempt at quantifying the presence and magnitude of small forest landowners in Washington.

Between 2001 and 2007, RTI continued to work towards more accurately and efficiently capturing the variety of forest landowners in Washington and providing agencies and other groups with valuable forest landowner presence and environmental attribute information. The following is a sample of projects completed over the six years:

  • Washington DNR 20-Acre Forest land Parcel Study (2004)

  • Lower Columbia Fish Recovery Board Small Forest Landowner Parcel Identification and County GIS Data Compilation for WRIAs 25 thru 29 (2004)

  • Washington DNR Small Forest Landowner Parcel Identification and County GIS Data Compilation for WRIAs 23 & 49 (2005)

  • Washington DNR Small Forest Landowner Parcel Identification and County GIS Data Compilation for Clallam and Jefferson Counties (2005)

  • Washington DNR Small Forest Landowner Parcel Identification and County GIS Data Compilation for Pacific and Grays Harbor Counties (2006)
In 2006, the Rural Technology Initiative, the Family Forest Foundation, and the Washington Farm Forestry Association, with funding from the USDA Forest Service, began working on creating a statewide, spatially explicit, parcel-based forest land database. Enabled by GIS technologies, it is anticipated that the Washington State Family Forest Database will set the foundation for analysis of the family forest demographic through the development of an interactive database of forested lands. Such a dataset will facilitate the assessment of family forest impacts on local and state economies, and provide information on potential challenges and opportunities that family forest owners face in marketing their forest products and environmental services.

However, in order to make this dataset relevant now and in the future, it was recognized that a concerted effort was needed to produce a comprehensive, consistent, and updatable statewide parcel database. In response to this need, the Family Forest Database project expanded its objectives to assist in the creation of a statewide parcel database (the Washington State Parcel Database) and the subsequent production of the Family Forest Database from the parcel database.

On October 18, 2006 a group of federal, state, county, tribal and local participants came together to explore whether there was interest and a willingness to pursue the development and coordination of a statewide parcel framework data set that would be accessible to various licensed agencies. It was determined that tackling this project would involve the identification of core attributes of interest; addressing the concerns of parcel data producers, the coordination of licensing agreements and building a working partnership with the parcel custodians and key agency framework coordinators.

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