[Histmaj] APPLY: Gender Equity Commission: The Monologues

Wed Apr 6 17:26:22 PDT 2022

On May 11th, the Gender Equity Commission is putting on ‘The Monologues,’ which is an opportunity for UW students who have experienced gender-based discrimination to share their stories through a variety of creative mediums. Our theme this year is ‘A Letter to Myself,’ and we’re currently looking for participants and have an application portal for those interested to fill out that will be open until April 17th. If there are any questions, please feel free to reach out to the commission through email at either asuwomn at uw.edu<mailto:asuwomn at uw.edu> or asuwom1 at uw.edu<mailto:asuwom1 at uw.edu>, or through our Instagram account @asuwgec!

Here is the link to the application: http://tinyurl.com/monologues22

Thank you!

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