[Histmaj] APPLY: Application for Integrated Social Sciences online
BA are open!
histadv at uw.edu
Thu Apr 7 13:02:14 PDT 2022
Applications are open for Autumn 2022 admission to the Integrated Social Sciences online bachelor of arts degree completion program. Priority application deadline: April 15, 2022. Final application deadline: July 15th, 2022. Application details can be found here: https://www.socialsciencesonline.uw.edu/admissions
ISS welcomes applications from any student who has at least 75 credits (or will have 75 credits before Autumn 2022) and a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA. Our major offers students the opportunity to explore social issues from a variety of disciplinary perspectives, from communication to geography to sociology and beyond. Since 2014, ISS has graduated almost 500 Huskies!
Program overview:
- 100% online, asynchronous courses
- Courses taught by UW faculty from across the social sciences
- Part-time, full-time, and quarter-off options
- 70% of ISS students work full-time, 30% have dependent care responsibilities
- Broad-based liberal arts degree is excellent preparation for numerous career paths
- Open to current UW students, returning UW students, and new transfer students
To learn more about ISS, sign up for an upcoming online info session: https://www.socialsciencesonline.uw.edu/admissions/info-sessions-events or contact ISS Admission and Outreach Adviser Holly Arsenault and issinfo at uw.edu<mailto:issinfo at uw.edu>.
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