[Histmaj] APPLY: Recruitment for Student Advisory Board: College of Arts and Sciences

Mon Apr 11 16:17:41 PDT 2022

Dear Students,

Hello, my name is Hayde Goldberg and I am the chair of the Arts and Sciences Advisory Council for Students. This is the student advisory board for Dean Harris of the College of Arts and Sciences. We are made up of roughly 10 undergraduate and 2 graduate students per year. Formally, we review and approve course fees and advise the dean on budgetary matters, but informally advise on various issues that might come up, including the construction of the Life Sciences Building and remote learning/shift back in person.

We are currently recruiting new members to begin serving at the start of the next academic year.

More information about our council can be found on the application form, here<https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSent12ASf6AzQn7IiE6Pz2O91nFbczajhgy-N8n6ToCV3hTdw/viewform?usp=sf_link>. The application is due Monday May 9 at 11:59pm.

Thank you,

Hayden Goldberg

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