[Histmaj] EVENT: Real Estate Undergraduate Programs Information
histadv at uw.edu
Thu Apr 21 14:33:52 PDT 2022
The undergraduate real estate program is holding an info session in person on 5/4 from 12-1p. Students only need to complete R E 250 Introduction to Real Estate offered every quarter to declare the major or minor:
Real Estate Undergraduate Programs Info Session
What: Information for the Bachelor of Science (B.S.) in Real Estate major and Real Estate Minor programs will be covered and questions about registration for coming quarters as well.
When: Wednesday, May 4th, at 12pm
Where: In person in Gould 114 -- complete this form<https://forms.gle/LhdDgFTEscCw8zTU9> to be added to the RSVP list so we can plan for food.
Webpage: https://re.be.uw.edu/programs/undergraduate-programs/
Thank you,
Arthur Acolin
Bob Filley Endowed Assistant Professor
Co-Director of Undergraduate Programs
Runstad Department of Real Estate
College of Built Environments
University of Washington
317 Gould Hall
Office: (206) 616 6907 | Cell: (215) 206 0207
Schedule a Meeting<https://calendly.com/arthuracolin>
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