[Histmaj] REMINDER - Spring 2022 Registration

Mon Feb 28 11:51:09 PST 2022

* * * REMINDER * * *

Dear Historians,

This is a reminder that if you plan to take courses at UW this Spring 2022, but haven't registered for courses yet, we encourage you to do so as soon as possible! Please look over the Spring 2022 Time Schedule<https://www.washington.edu/students/timeschd/SPR2022/> and let us know if you need any assistance with selecting courses. To help you select your History course(s) for the upcoming quarter, please find the Department of History's list of undergraduate History courses for this Spring 2022 attached to this email.

If you're planning on taking a Junior (HSTRY 388) or Senior (HSTRY 494 or 498) Seminar this Spring 2022, please note that you will need to email us at histadv at uw.edu<mailto:histadv at uw.edu> for an add code. You can find descriptions of the Junior and Senior Seminars attached to this email (the file titled "Spring 2022"). You can also find descriptions of these seminars at the bottom of this email. We recommend that students complete one or two of upper division (300 or 400 level) History courses before taking the Junior Seminar. Students must successfully complete the Junior Seminar before they can take the Senior Seminar, so we encourage you to plan ahead (but please note that you can request an add code and register for a Senior Seminar if you are currently taking the Junior Seminar this quarter). Please note that these seminars can fill up quickly, so we suggest emailing us sooner rather than later for an add code!

Lastly, students planning to graduate at the end of Spring 2022, Summer 2022, or Autumn 2022 can now schedule a Graduation Application meeting! You can do so here: https://history.washington.edu/advising.

Thank you!

Shannon Vacek and Tracy Maschman Morrissey
History Undergraduate Advising
University of Washington
Smith Hall 315
Box 353560
Seattle, WA 98195
vm: 206.543.5691<tel:206.543.5691> fax: 206.543.9451<tel:206.543.9451>

Please click here to schedule an advising appointment<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UWHistoryAdvising@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/>

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SLN: 15451
Tuesdays 1:30pm - 3:20pm
Raymond Jonas
This course we will use primary sources - texts, but also visual primary sources such as fine art and the built environment - to yield answers to new questions about the Revolution of 1789. The event that began in France in 1789 eventually transformed Europe from Madrid to Moscow, but also shook the Caribbean, Latin America, and North Africa. The Revolution's reach was more than geographic as it generated cultural, social and economic changes, too. We will draw upon recent scholarship as well as primary sources to explore together such themes as the invention of public opinion; abolition and the slave trade; the Revolution and religion; Terror and terrorism; the aftermath of the Revolution in militant politics from the Paris Commune to Communism; the status of women within a fraternal revolution; the "gay" revolution of 1789; the Revolution and the city of Paris; the Revolution in film; and the status of the Revolution today.
This is a Writing (W) credit course.

SLN: 15452
Mondays and Wednesdays 1:30pm - 2:50pm
Bruce Hevly
This seminar explores examples of technological futurism from the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Together we will read Bellamy's Looking Backward, Twain's Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court, and Morris's News from Nowhere, as well as looking at some of the responses to the economic crises of the 1930s that appealed to new techno-political arrangements, such as technocracy. Students will practice the basic skills necessary to undertake a larger, self-directed research project, including topic definition, bibliographic research, literature review, and formulation of a research project proposal.
This course satisfies a requirement for majors in History and Philosophy of Science and for History minors in History of Science. All history majors welcome.
This is a Writing (W) credit course.

SLN: 15453
Mondays 12:30pm - 3:20pm (remote format)
Susan Glenn
In the United States the lore and legacy that constitute the national memory of World War II is so familiar to many people that it remains an important touchstone into our own time. In this course we will explore the making of the legacy of World War II from locations often neglected in our collective memory of that time, including the initial indifference of many Americans to the rise of European fascism and the persecution of Jews and the impact of ethnic and racial animosities on the battlefields and on the American homefront. We will read or view a wide range of primary works as well as turning our attention to the contemporary recycling of the meaning of that period in our nation's past. Readings include accounts by journalists, novelists, filmmakers, and works by historians. Through them we hope to gain a better understanding of the myriad ways in which the war and its effects have been recorded, remembered, and re-imagined.
Students will learn how to work with primary sources, develop competence in the close reading of texts, learn to analyze questions from multiple perspectives, and become attuned to "silences" in the sources by paying attention to what is and is not directly stated in a text. In written work and oral contributions, students will develop their skills in building and substantiating their own arguments.
This is a Writing (W) credit course.


SLN: 15457
Thursdays 12:30pm - 3:20pm
Joshua Reid
When most people think of historical encounters in the Pacific Ocean, their minds leap to the eighteenth-century voyages of exploration of the British captain James Cook or the French painter Paul Gauguin's masterpieces of his time in the South Pacific more than a century later. What these episodes of encounter share are exotic impressions of Pacific places and peoples, passive and isolated upon which more active European men discover, bring to the rest of the world, and claim for consumers back home.
Yet this is not how the myriad Indigenous societies and nations of the Pacific remember these encounters. What did Pacific encounters look like from Indigenous perspectives? What do these encounters tell us about Indigenous Pacific Worlds? How did Pacific peoples across time seek to use encounters to shape Indigenous futures? Embracing a wider chronology, from thousands of years ago to more recent times, and encompassing a broader geography stretching from the far south to the far north, the readings in this course challenge the usual historiography on Pacific encounters and center Indigenous experiences and epistemologies.
This is an upper-level historiography course in Indigenous history. Together the class will read and discuss numerous books and articles over the quarter. Assessments include short writing exercises and longer papers that will incorporate outside readings and perhaps a bit of primary source research, depending on access throughout the ever-changing and ongoing pandemic reality.
This is a Writing (W) credit course.

SLN: 15458
Wednesdays 1:30pm - 3:20pm
Charity Urbanski
This course will emphasize critical reading and analysis of primary and secondary literature, the theoretical and methodological problems of historical research, and involve students in doing original primary research. Its focus is on the process of historical reading, research, and writing. Our theme is medieval outlaws. While many of our primary sources are literary works, we will be concerned with determining what these legends and the mythology of the outlaw can tell us about social organization, values, and the limits of the legal system in medieval England. We will also address the changing legal status of the outlaw, as well as the evolution and historical context of outlaw legends.
This is a Writing (W) credit course.

SLN: 15459
Mondays 12:30pm - 2:20pm
Arbella Bet-Shlimon
Cities in the Middle East have played a crucial role in the region's modern history of colonialism, nationalisms, wars, gender politics, intercommunal divisions and negotiations, and local, regional, and global economic interactions. At the same time, Middle Eastern cities can be heavily stereotyped in the popular imagination-ancient relics, decadent oil-funded spectacles, war-torn points of contention. By setting aside these stereotypes and closely examining the cities' own histories, one can better understand trends such as mass politics, economic transformations, gender and public space, and the relationships among city-dwellers, as well as between them and the built environments around them. National and global histories can also be examined through an urban lens. That is-how does, for example, a major new social trend, a change in government, or a nationwide (or global) war look from the perspective of a particular city? How does that perspective help us understand those events differently?
This is a Writing (W) credit course.
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