[Histmaj] Wellness and Resilience Series: EDUC 215 and 216

Thu Jun 9 09:53:34 PDT 2022

EDUC 215 Wellness and Resilience for College and Beyond

The class will be particularly helpful for first year and/or transfer students to get started out with tips and tools to make the most out of their time at UW! It is also great for seniors as they prepare to graduate and enter the workforce!

In EDUC 215, students learn skills to enhance their well being in college and in their life in general. Particular focus is paid to skills that help students withstand common difficulties in life, like a disagreement with a loved one, tolerating doing work you don't want to do, and managing negative emotions in a healthy way. Skills will include but will not be limited to mindfulness, emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. Students will also learn about research underlying stress, resilience, and related skill areas.

For EDUC 215, there are two times and modalities to take this 5 credit class. The first section will be fully in person meeting for lectures on Thursdays from 2:30-5:20pm PST with a one hour quiz section on Fridays for small group activities. The second section is a hybrid section with virtual lectures on Wednesdays from 11:30am-2:20pm PST and then in person synchronous quiz sections for one hour on Fridays. Asynchronous accomodations for lecture can be easily coordinated (synchronous in person participation in the one hour quiz section on Fridays is required). See the attached flyers for additional information and as a tool to share with students.

For students who have already taken EDUC 215 (formerly EDUC 200 for the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school years), recommend our new course EDUC 216: Thriving on the Path to Happiness. This new course will follow the same format as EDUC 215 and build on the skills learned in the first class to help students experience more joy, build stronger relationships, cultivate a growth mindset, and increase opportunities for success and development in personal and professional endeavors.

EDUC 216 will be offered on Wednesdays from 2:20-5:20pm PST with one hour quiz sections on Fridays. As with EDUC 215, EDUC 216 is a 5 credit course that provides I&S credits. EDUC 215 (or equivalent) is a prerequisite class for EDUC 216. See the attached flyer for additional details.

EDUC 215 Wellness and Resilience for College and Beyond and EDUC 216 Thriving on the Path to Happiness allow students to work towards their best lives while earning course credit!

With gratitude,

Dr. Lally

Co-Instructor for EDUC 215 and EDUC 216

Take care,

Jaclyn Lally, Ph.D.

University of Washington

School Psychology

Lecturer, College of Education

pronouns: she, her, hers

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This land acknowledgement is one small act in the ongoing process of working to be in good relationship with the land and the people of the land.

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