[Histmaj] New Spring Quarter Environmental Justice Course (ENV H 490/590 A)

Tue Mar 1 15:13:16 PST 2022

ENV H 490 A
SLN: 14340
Environmental Justice and Population Health, 3 cr.
Tuesdays/Thursdays, 4:00 to 5:20 PM, HRC 135
Instructor: Esther Min (estmin at uw.edu<mailto:estmin at uw.edu>)

Description: This course prepares students to critically examine environmental justice as a social movement, with a focus on environmental exposures and related health (in)equities. Students will explore the ways in which environmental racism, inequality, and injustice lead to disproportionate impacts of pollution on Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) communities, and learn methods to promote a clean environment and healthy, thriving communities across environmental justice topics.

The course is open to all majors and there are no prerequisites. There is also a graduate section (590 A, 14359).
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