[Histmaj] ESRM 190 for Spring 2022: Digital Earth

Mon Mar 14 11:46:16 PDT 2022

ESRM 190 Digital Earth
The Earth is undergoing an era of rapid change, understanding this change and the impacts for life on Earth depends on systematically analyzing and interpreting evolving data, tools and theories that are highly interdisciplinary, yet need to be integrated into workflows capable of fostering understanding, knowledge and action. There is now a sizeable amount of remote sensing data (e.g. satellite imagery, aerial imagery, LiDAR) that has become increasingly accessible through platforms such as Google Earth<https://www.google.com/earth/>, Climate Engine<http://climateengine.org/>, and the Washington State Dept. of Natural Resources LiDAR portal<https://lidarportal.dnr.wa.gov/>. These datasets can now be accessed through apps that do not require lengthy training or specialized skills to use.
The goals of this course are to develop remote sensing literacy and introduce geospatial technology to a diverse student population early in their academic careers.
This 5 credit NW course serves as an alternative pathway to introduce a diverse group of students to Geospatial Sciences through addressing large scale problems by using big data from global to local levels across a full spectrum of environmental applications. The knowledge and skills developed in this course can be taken and applied to many fields.
The objectives of this class are:

1. To provide a gateway for students who may be interested in geospatial or environmental sciences
2. To develop skills and knowledge that can be applied to many fields even without any further geospatial training.
3. To engage through an interactive platform to enliven learning about environmental sciences.
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