[Histmaj] Garden of Ideas Call for Submissions

Wed Mar 30 10:16:30 PDT 2022

Dear UW students and faculty,

We hope you had a great Spring break!

We are set to release the second issue of The Garden of Ideas both in paper and online. Physical copies can be found around the U-District in places like Savery Hall, Microsoft Cafe, the HUB, Hugo House in capitol hill, and Cafe Allegro. You can read the journal online using this link<https://issuu.com/braedeng/docs/goi_-_winter_2022>.

As we continue distributing copies to the community, we have begun working on the third edition that is set to release at the end of this school year and/or early fall of next year. In light of this, we want to start collecting submissions during the upcoming weeks.

Submissions for the third issue are due by 11:59pm on April 24th and can be submitted via email to gardenofideasuw at uw.edu<mailto:gardenofideasuw at uw.edu> (note the domain change to @uw.edu<http://uw.edu>). Be sure to include your name and contact information, as well as anything else you’d like us to know about your work. Writing samples should be between 2,000-5,000 words, and academic writing should include a works cited page. There are no specific guidelines for art submissions.

We look forward to viewing your submissions and working with you to publish them in The Garden of Ideas.

We would also like to advertise an upcoming Garden of Ideas public event! The event - held in person on April 22nd at 3pm at Cafe Allegro on The Ave - will feature two students whose creations were included in the Winter issue as they discuss their pieces, followed by an open discussion between editors, writers, and fellow students. Food and drinks will be provided for attendees, made possible by contributions from Husky Seed Fund. We hope you’ll join us for this celebration of hard work.

Lastly, don’t forget to follow our socials to stay caught up on all updates from the Garden of Ideas!


The Garden of Ideas

Philosophy Journal

University of Washington

Email us at gardenofideasuw at uw.edu<mailto:gardenofideasuw at uw.edu> or visit our website<http://gardenofideasuw.com>. Follow us on Twitter<https://twitter.com/GardenOfIdeasUW> and Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/GardenOfIdeasUW/> to stay up to date on all things Garden of Ideas related. Happy Philosophizing!
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