[Histmaj] EVENT: You’re Invited! Registration for EverybodyHacks 2022 Now Open!

Mon May 2 16:13:12 PDT 2022


Registration for our 2022 Hackathon is NOW OPEN! Sign up to join the day-long event on Saturday, May 14!

About EverybodyHacks…

EverybodyHacks is UW’s newest interdisciplinary hackathon, organized and hosted by GeoDat, the Society for Geography & Data Science at UW. Our hackathon was created for students of all majors. We welcome projects ranging from app design, creative writing, policy assessments, data visualizations, map atlases, historical reviews, blueprints, visual art—you name it!

Hackathon Theme

This year’s theme for EverybodyHacks is WATER. We are encouraging students to think about real-world issues related to water that they can center their hackathon projects around. What water-related issues are you passionate about?


This year, we will be hosting the hackathon virtually, on a platform called Gather<https://www.gather.town/>. Once you register, we will send you more information about the platform and how to use it!

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER<https://tinyurl.com/eh-register>


For information on the hackathon schedule, project tracks, and team formation visit our website or follow us on Instagram!

* Instagram: @everybodyhacks<https://www.instagram.com/everybodyhacks/>
* Website: https://everybodyhacks.github.io/home/hackathon.html
* Email: everybodyhacks.uw at gmail.com<mailto:everybodyhacks.uw at gmail.com>

We hope to see you there!

EverybodyHacks (UW)
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