[Histmaj] Updates from UW Study Abroad
histadv at uw.edu
Mon May 16 16:06:28 PDT 2022
The Global Engagement Student Group is accepting applications for the 2022-2023 academic year. The group is a body of students who will actively share their ideas on a variety of topics to advance the equity mission and goals of UW Study Abroad. Students and advisers can learn more about who we are looking for by visiting the program's landing page. https://www.washington.edu/globalaffairs/studentgroup/ No previous study abroad experience is necessary. Students from all degree fields and class standings are welcome to apply including graduate students.
Our inaugural cohort has done some really great work, and we are looking for students to keep it going!
Applications are due by May 31st
Identity Abroad Workshops
There will be two identity abroad workshops offered in the month of May. One will be an in-person option and one will be virtual.
The purpose of these workshops is to give students the space to grapple with aspects of their identities as they relate to the backdrop of various cultures and to start a conversation about how they would respond in various situations. There is an expectation of active student participation in order for the workshops to be effective. The workshops will be held at the following times.
Virtual workshop: Thursday, May 26th, 2pm-3:30 via Zoom.
Register: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJElce6sqj0uE9Ymhb-LTz_xAMKHC9VqeKT3
In person workshop: Friday, May 27th from 12:30pm-2pm in 171 MGH
Thank you,
Equity Program Manager & Scholarships Adviser
UW Study Abroad
459 Schmitz Hall, Box 355815
Seattle, WA 98195
kmparker at uw.edu<mailto:kmparker at uw.edu> / washington.edu/studyabroad
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