[Histmaj] APPLY: Build global connections as a FIUTS Ambassador this summer

Tue May 17 13:20:40 PDT 2022

Volunteer Opportunity: Apply to be a FIUTS SUSI Ambassador

Connect with visiting university students from Brazil, India, Indonesia, Nigeria, and Tunisia this summer! Applications are now open for FIUTS Ambassadors for the upcoming Study of the US Institute (SUSI) on Education and the Future of Work. Ambassadors are a critical piece of this program and act as peer mentors, cultural liaisons, friends and student leaders. SUSI Ambassadors learn new skills, build their resumes, make international friends and have fun!

All Seattle-area college and university students are eligible to apply at www.fiuts.org/ambassadors<http://www.fiuts.org/ambassadors>. The application deadline is Friday, June 3.

Questions? Contact Jason Evans at jason at fiuts.org<mailto:jason at fiuts.org>.
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