[Histmaj] FW: Applications Open for C21@Amazon and C21@Microsoft

Wed Nov 9 14:04:12 PST 2022

Hello Arts & Sciences Majors-
We are excited to announce that applications are now for the C21 at Amazon and C21 at Microsoft Externship programs<https://c21.washington.edu/externships>. Applications are due on November 16, 2022 for both programs.
The C21 Externships are short-term career development programs designed to develop fundamental skills of professionalism needed to thrive in the workplace. Through the guidance of professionals at Amazon or Microsoft, students will have the opportunity to open their perspectives, gain insights on the diversity of career opportunities, and gain exposure to professional responsibilities and expectations.
Here are what some students have said about the program:
"After listening to the journey my mentor took that got them to their current position at Amazon, I was introduced to unconventional career paths that I hadn't considered before and was better able to imagine myself applying my History and Psychology majors in a professional space."
"Through the externship, I built a professional and lasting relationship with my mentor and have learned to be comfortable reaching out to establish connections with people I look up to on LinkedIn."
"From the C21 Externship, I was able to gain insight on how my mentor was able to successfully pivot his career from a biomedical engineer to business and this has opened my perspective in not limiting yourself to a set career pathway."
If you are interested in learning more about the program and want to apply online, click the links below:
Microsoft Externship Application<https://c21.washington.edu/our-programs/c21microsoft>
Amazon Externship Application<https://c21.washington.edu/our-programs/c21amazon>
Feel free to reach out to c21info at uw.edu<mailto:c21info at uw.edu> if you have any further questions.
The C21 Team

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