[Histmaj] Fwd: [Advisers] Promoting Internship Opportunity

Mark P. Weitzenkamp weitzen at uw.edu
Mon Oct 17 08:31:26 PDT 2022

Hi there!

My name is Chloe Daniels and I'm one of the Co-Directors for SARVA
(Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Activists) with ASUW. We work
to combat sexual assault and relationship violence on campus through
educational programming, connecting the student body to the
institutional resources available to them, community-building events, etc.

We just recently opened an application for interns for this school year.
We're looking for three individuals to fill the following positions;
Project Management Intern, Communication and Design Intern, and Policy
Intern. I was wondering if you would be able to forward this message to
your students.

The Project Management Intern will take a lead role in planning,
developing, and brainstorming for SARVA special events, programs, and
campaigns. The Communications and Design Intern will take the lead on
SARVA's social media presence and other external communications
including events promotion. The Policy Intern will take the lead on
SARVA's presence in the ASUW Senate and in furthering SARVA's activist
efforts. We will develop all these internships with each selected
intern, so your ideas and input are crucial!

I've included a link to the application down below which has more
information about the expectations for each position as well!

Application Link:
*Chloe Daniels |**SARVA Co-Director*
/Sexual Assault and Relationship Violence Activists/
Pronouns: She/her/hers
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bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.

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