[Histmaj] One Campus Sustainability Fund Paid Student Position (undergrad/grad/professional) - Apply by October 31

Tue Oct 25 08:37:40 PDT 2022

CALL for students seeking opportunity on sustainability x justice work.

The Campus Sustainability Fund<https://csf.uw.edu/> (CSF) is seeking a student (grad/undergrad/professional) for the 2022-2023 CSF Steering Committee. The CSF is a student -run and student-funded grant making organization that has been established at the UW for the past 13 years. The group is led by passionate student leaders who work to bring more opportunity for student leadership and agency in finding culturally informed solutions for climate change by financially supporting transdisciplinary sustainability projects led by UW students. If you would like to get involved, consider applying to become the ESC Student Representative on the CSF 2022-2023 Committee. This is an exciting opportunity for students to be involved in leading the direction of the CSF, engage in programming around intersectional sustainability, participate in the decision-making process of CSF grants along with gaining skills in leadership, budgeting and understanding of grant-making. We hope to see you apply and continue your impact on sustainability efforts on campus!

Positions are paid (via quarterly stipend). Students of all backgrounds are encouraged to apply (i.e., you do not need to be from a traditionally environmental background - we value multiple perspectives from across disciplines).

Application Due Monday October 31. Read the detailed position description and apply here. [forms.gle]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/sxBDGxi191JXrKH48__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nYNo4MqPzdwzn95qKHrwHp5c3pR1myidWQ0olEu5iQQ4ph4aJ3sHUPQuaIEwClK5gZfQBN8UHczc$>

If you have any questions while filling out the application, please email Tatiana Brown (csfcorrd at uw.edu<mailto:csfcorrd at uw.edu>).

We look forward to reading your application.

The CSF Team

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