[Histmaj] FW: PAT Museum Trip to SAM

Wed Apr 19 07:43:49 PDT 2023

Hello History Students!

On Saturday April 29th, UW's Phi Alpha Theta (PAT) History Honor Society will be taking a trip to the Seattle Art Museum! Tickets are free and will be paid for by PAT, just RSVP using the QR code on the attached flyer by Thursday April 27th so we know to expect you. We will be meeting outside Smith Hall at Noon (12pm) the day of the event and riding the Link together.

If you have any questions email @Claire Marie Jacobs<mailto:claire44 at uw.edu> or Ethan Benson<mailto:benson19 at uw.edu>. For more information about PAT check out this page<https://history.washington.edu/phi-alpha-theta> on the History Department website. To stay updated on upcoming PAT events, follow our instagram<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/phialphatheta_uw/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mliG4cgb3PyLlJSGw2lRxCigGuub9wC9Inc6Bh-bIDLOx3CfTvqCdG2YVqlJ0Pj-oaAetuKEm0yU7jm-$>,our Facebook<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.facebook.com/UWPAT__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mliG4cgb3PyLlJSGw2lRxCigGuub9wC9Inc6Bh-bIDLOx3CfTvqCdG2YVqlJ0Pj-oaAetuKEm9WzhGXJ$>, or join the Discord<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/discord.com/invite/2jbK8evq4y__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mliG4cgb3PyLlJSGw2lRxCigGuub9wC9Inc6Bh-bIDLOx3CfTvqCdG2YVqlJ0Pj-oaAetuKEm4UWIX2z$>.

Claire Jacobs
claire44 at uw.edu<mailto:claire44 at uw.edu>
UW PAT Secretary
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