[Histmaj] Udall Undergraduate Scholarship - please share with your UG students

Tue Dec 5 15:23:24 PST 2023

Dear Historians,

A scholarship opportunity – Apply by 1/10/2024.

Udall Undergraduate Scholarship<https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/scholarships/udall> - a $7,000 scholarship for sophomores and juniors who are committed to making a difference in either the environment or Native American/Alaska Native Tribal Policy or Native Healthcare.

US citizenship or permanent residency required. Apply for UW nomination by 1/10/24.

Four nominations are available for students committed to environmental careers and four for students interested in Tribal Policy/Native Healthcare.

Drop-in for feedback: Udall Scholarship Application Review Session in January 2024.

Friday, January 5 | 2-5 p.m. | RSVP here for the Zoom session: https://washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqce-gqj4iG9CQooGYB3UyoWhmKgyaquds<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIqce-gqj4iG9CQooGYB3UyoWhmKgyaquds__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jehmdOYCMoloJIsB1Y801xcmhWIXyARtYovcSIhRFt-5rHPpHMtA6IsFsbTQwjCuwwRelc0rg3Pgf-8$>

Students are invited to drop-in and get any questions answered, and/or have a quick review of their materials. Students can expect to spend 10-15 minutes with me, and then have the time to make edits before submitting their UW nomination application by 11:59 PM on Wednesday January 10.

More information about the two Udall Scholarships

Tribal Public Policy or Native Healthcare Udall Scholarship Details

You can apply for the Tribal Policy or Native Healthcare category if:

* You are a current sophomore or junior
* You are working towards a career that will enable you to make a difference for your tribe or for Native Americans and Alaska Natives
* You have participated in cultural activities and service to your community
* You are enrolled in a state or federally recognized tribe or band or one or more of your parents or grandparents was an enrolled member of a state or federally recognized tribe or band or are a permanent U.S. resident or U.S. citizen who is a member of the First Nations of Canada
* You plan on studying full-time next academic year

Apply for nomination online at https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/708

Up to 4 UW students may be nominated in this category.

Environment Udall Scholarship Details

You can apply for the Environment category if:

* You are a current sophomore or junior
* You have a commitment to pursuing a career related to the environment
* You have demonstrated your commitment to the environment through participation in campus activities or service to your community
* Plan on studying full-time next academic year
* Be a U.S. citizen, U.S. national or U.S. permanent resident

Apply for nomination online at https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/apply/708

Up to 4 UW students may be nominated in this category.

These are great opportunities; I hope YOU consider applying for nomination.
Please reach out if you have any questions about the Udall Scholarship!
Best, Chetana

Assistant Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards
Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
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Good luck!

Mark Weitzenkamp and Tracy Maschman Morrissey
History Undergraduate Advising
University of Washington
Smith Hall 315
Box 353560
Seattle, WA 98195
vm: 206.543.5691<tel:206.543.5691> fax: 206.543.9451<tel:206.543.9451>
Please click here to schedule an advising appointment! [outlook.office365.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UWHistoryAdvising@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jAEA2nmjPwCoVlLLFX5AOWeHgOf5WeSJrMKs96sP9JyASmTNA9dpNWK6zFf2aFGWvu_z0d_Ka_3qvg$>
Student resources in times of need<https://history.washington.edu/student-resources-times-need>

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