[Histmaj] FW: Penn History Review Call for Submissions
histadv at uw.edu
Mon Feb 27 14:27:14 PST 2023
Dear University of Washington Department of History,
Hi, my name's Victor and I'm an Associate Editor of the Penn History Review. We would greatly appreciate it if you would send our call for submissions (below) out to your history majors/students. Thank you and we look forward to reading their submissions!
Warm regards,
Victor Li
Associate Editor
Penn History Review | University of Pennsylvania
The Penn History Review (PHR) is now accepting submissions for its Spring 2023 issue!
The PHR is a biannual publication of the Penn History Department featuring undergraduate historical research. If you are proud of a piece of historical writing and would like to see it published, please submit to the PHR!
Papers do not necessarily have to be written for a history course; in fact, submissions are encouraged from any department, as long as the paper addresses a topic of historical interest and uses primary sources.
The PHR will be accepting submissions on a rolling basis through Tuesday, February 28th. We highly recommend submitting ASAP since papers will be reviewed and accepted on a first come, first serve basis. Papers must be at least twelve pages double-spaced (with 1-inch margins) in Times New Roman font and include a bibliography that distinguishes between primary and secondary sources. Papers should also be submitted as Word documents rather than PDFs.
Previous editions of the PHR are available here: http://repository.upenn.edu/phr/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/repository.upenn.edu/phr/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hD5dOfUGOTC_HwcGR6MC7y8Pl2UkrM3WnRT0TJ9z9OnweH_BclYnNGvi6Np5MvyOgc6k0se-cA60VRdJ4dj_$>
Please direct all submissions (as email attachments) and any questions or concerns you may have to PHRsubmissions at gmail.com<mailto:PHRsubmissions at gmail.com>.
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