[Histmaj] Law, Societies, and Justice in Rome--Info Sessions

Fri Jan 27 11:29:38 PST 2023

Dear Students,

The UW offers countless study abroad programs in Early Fall (Aug 21-Sept 22).
Join upcoming Zoom Info Sessions to find out more about Law, Societies, and Justice in Rome in Early Fall!

LSJ in Rome: Legal Institutions and Individual Rights: Comparing Italy, the United States and Europe

Program course on transcript will be:

LSJ 495 or

Pol S 495

Taught by Professors Michael McCann<https://lsj.washington.edu/people/michael-mccann?_gl=1*kg7c4t*_ga*ODEzNzE3MDAwLjE2NDE4NDQxNjg.*_ga_3T65WK0BM8*MTY3NDg0MjkyOS4yNjAuMS4xNjc0ODQzNzI3LjAuMC4w&_ga=2.232792606.168620506.1674842929-813717000.1641844168> (UW LSJ/Poli Sci) and Walter Walsh<https://www.law.uw.edu/directory/faculty/walsh-walter-j?_gl=1*i0ihc3*_ga*ODEzNzE3MDAwLjE2NDE4NDQxNjg.*_ga_3T65WK0BM8*MTY3NDg0MjkyOS4yNjAuMS4xNjc0ODQzNzY1LjAuMC4w> (UW Law School)

January and February Info Session Zoom link, dates and times


Friday, Jan 27th 3:00pm-3:50pm

Sat, Jan 28 from 11am-11:50am

Mon, Jan 30 from 12:30pm to 1:20pm

Tue , Jan 31 from 3:30pm to 4:20pm

Mon Feb 6 from 12:00pm to 12:50pm

Thu Feb 9, from 3:30pm to 4:30pm

To apply to LSJ in Rome 2023 through the UW Study Abroad Office please click here:
Programs > Study Abroad (washington.edu)<https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10731>

Questions? Email UW Advisor Sabrina Tatta, sabri at uw.edu<mailto:sabri at uw.edu>

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