[Histmaj] Historical Review Call for Submissions Reminder

Mon Mar 27 08:20:30 PDT 2023

Dear Historians,

The Historical Review at UW is now open for general paper submissions for our Spring 2023 issue! The requirements are still the same; we accept papers written for a course, independent research, and book and film reviews. For any other info on submission guidelines, see here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/sites.google.com/view/historicalreview/submissions__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gibCXmwRSkdpuC0nUuRVEvhiihj-H9AvPVFYuuI19N11WEbFm0R_YrY3um4leU9VXr6LSJZfRE1a_mwtUa-ZdTQaQQ$>. The deadline for general submissions is March 31, 2023. You do not have to be a declared History major to submit! Feel free to email us at historicalreviewatuw at gmail.com<mailto:historicalreviewatuw at gmail.com> if you have any questions.

The Historical Review is UW's only undergraduate journal showcasing research and writing in the field of history. We are run by students and each issue features articles by UW students. The Historical Review is published once a year every Spring quarter. Find out more about us at our website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/sites.google.com/view/historicalreview/home__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gibCXmwRSkdpuC0nUuRVEvhiihj-H9AvPVFYuuI19N11WEbFm0R_YrY3um4leU9VXr6LSJZfRE1a_mwtUa_KHA2RaA$>.


Sierra Muehlbauer

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