[Histmaj] Phi Alpha Theta History Honor Society Officer Application for 2023-2024

Tue May 2 09:01:06 PDT 2023

Hello History Folks!

Phi Alpha Theta History Honors Society is opening the application for 2023-2024 PAT Officers, and we are inviting all non-senior members to apply! We will be graduating our entire officer board this spring and are looking for new students to pick up the torch and help run the society next year. The application to apply can be found here: https://forms.gle/yxsB7ZHhjHrUnsd86<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.gle/yxsB7ZHhjHrUnsd86__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!nlovS76tjNr6h7RXrKOTgctzvm2wPkoZs9T8m533OYVRD8pt5dad-e-qFTmu073mIZ_Q-mtoYg0hNgbK$>. If you are interested in being an officer, fill out this form as soon as possible!

If you are not yet a PAT member, check out our website here<https://history.washington.edu/phi-alpha-theta>! We are currently running a special on membership fees, $25 for lifetime membership! PAT is open to both history and non-history majors and anyone who is a member is welcome to apply to our officer positions.

"The History Honor Society aims to foster a sense of community within the Department of History. Our society plans various social events and offers a venue for members to network with other students and faculty outside of class. Additionally, our members are invited to join in a national academic conference each spring."

If you have any questions, please email me at benson19 at uw.edu<mailto:benson19 at uw.edu>

Ethan Benson
President of Phi Alpha Theta

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