[Histmaj] ASUW GEC Intern Applications Open Now!

Thu Nov 9 09:31:47 PST 2023

The ASUW Gender Equity Commission is hiring interns for the 2023-2024 school year!

The Gender Equity Commission (GEC) is an entity within ASUW that advocates for students on the basis of gender identity by way of policy, event planning, and community building.

The GEC intern team is comprised of four essential teams: community outreach and education, marketing, programming, and policy and activism. With these teams, we hope to spotlight our interns' passions to uplift community through collaboration on multiple fronts.

The intern positions and descriptions can be found here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/uwnetid-my.sharepoint.com/:w:/g/personal/asuwgec_uw_edu/ERIVSqTN6TxDl3v_JCQ66vYBxwaDbkLEEJs53ld-eC9B2g?e=CDuRhb__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!invOcHxA813lbV5cEmmq8MvG6ZRSNSbvx4E4IqpCT4zRnbT2g_Mst8XQtAmmccG9cDzbmyf6gN2ukYZbJb2I-kE$>, and the application and deadline can be found here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/r/GUrx6sShcj__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!invOcHxA813lbV5cEmmq8MvG6ZRSNSbvx4E4IqpCT4zRnbT2g_Mst8XQtAmmccG9cDzbmyf6gN2ukYZbFMNz9Vc$>. If you know any student who may be interested, please share this information with them!

Thank you for your time!

​Nat Cabrera [They/She]
ASUW Gender Equity Commission Director
E-Mail<mailto:asuwgec at uw.edu> | Office Hours<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/hours.asuw.org/index.php?user=asuwgec__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!invOcHxA813lbV5cEmmq8MvG6ZRSNSbvx4E4IqpCT4zRnbT2g_Mst8XQtAmmccG9cDzbmyf6gN2ukYZbl_b9GEE$> | @asuwgec<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.instagram.com/asuwgec/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!invOcHxA813lbV5cEmmq8MvG6ZRSNSbvx4E4IqpCT4zRnbT2g_Mst8XQtAmmccG9cDzbmyf6gN2ukYZbiN5L6d0$>
HUB 131R | 206.543.1817
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The ASUW acknowledges the stewards of Coast Salish lands, the lands on which many of us currently sit and the UW occupies. We acknowledge the original and current caretakers; Duwamish, Suquamish, Tulalip, and Muckleshoot nations and peoples.

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