[Histmaj] NIAHD Program for Visiting Students at the College of William & Mary

Thu Sep 21 08:30:17 PDT 2023

Dear Colleague,

As we begin to enjoy the fall weather at William & Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia, we want to wish you a productive academic year and to let you know about NIAHD’s Program for Visiting Students.

Since 2002, the National Institute of American History & Democracy (NIAHD), a partnership between William & Mary and the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, has offered interdisciplinary programs for students who want to focus on American History, Material Culture, and Public History. Undergraduates and recent graduates can apply to spend one or two semesters in residence at William & Mary and earn transferrable credit for their work. In addition to undergraduate and graduate coursework in public history and American history, NIAHD provides opportunities to intern or otherwise collaborate with professionals at Colonial Williamsburg, Fairfield Foundation, Historic Jamestowne, and other local sites. Students gain valuable hands-on experience working with material objects, historic buildings, landscapes, and artifacts. In these rich and eventful years of reflecting on local and national 250th anniversaries of American independence, opportunities for research and study abound.

A list of NIAHD’s current fall and spring classes and the visiting student application can be found on the NIAHD website, on our Program for Visiting Students<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.wm.edu/as/niahd/vsp/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hlFA3Rdz307FplhtgZw2x8eB0L4svtENRI_z7QqGLlt4ZeOc3nbFYwhNfNMhzFv8cd5O0WmzuRry$> page. NIAHD can provide financial assistance for those who demonstrate need and will work with colleges to help visiting students bring their existing financial aid to William & Mary. We’ve attached a flyer about the Program for Visiting Students for you to share with those who may be interested, and we’d be glad to set up conversations with faculty advisors or students who’d like to hear more. Please feel free to reply to this email with any inquiries.

We wish you insights, revelations, and ongoing curiosity in your work.

Julie Richter, Ph.D.

Director, National Institute of American History & Democracy

Lecturer, Harrison Ruffin Tyler Department of History

William & Mary

cjrich at wm.edu<mailto:cjrich at wm.edu> | (757) 221-7653


Robyn Schroeder, Ph.D.

Asst. Director, National Institute of American History & Democracy

Adj. Professor, Harrison Ruffin Tyler Department of History

William & Mary

rschroeder at wm.edu<mailto:rschroeder at wm.edu> | (757) 221-7652


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