[Histmaj] Workshop on "How to Introduce Yourself to a Recruiter"

HISTORY UNDERGRADUATE ADVISORS via Histmaj histmaj at u.washington.edu
Wed Apr 3 13:03:37 PDT 2024


Here is an excellent opportunity, particularly for you wonderful introverts out there. Meeting with recruiters, and other prospective employers is a learned skill. Take this chance to prepare and learn to sell yourself effectively.

Subject: How to Introduce Yourself to a Recruiter (Workshop)

You can't get a job in the first 30 seconds, but you can lose it. Don't panic!  

Are you an introvert? Worried about job interviews? Worried about  talking to recruiters?

Introverts struggle the most to make an outstanding first impression in a world where recruiters can’t help but notice extroverts. That's why we made a workshop entirely devoted to introverts. We know that introverts can be successful employees just like extroverts and we want to teach you how to sell yourself the right way.

Together we will create and practice your professional introduction for the next time a job is at stake. Join us and learn how to make a successful first impression in a supportive environment.

Learn how to be a temporary extrovert today!

Registration will close for this event on Wednesday, April 10th at 9:00 PM.

Wednesday (4/17) or Thursday (4/18) (we will pick a time based on participant availability)
Condon Hall 401
REGISTER HERE!<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0t6m54h3entEqxPZ783AOuFUMVpIVlMyUFBSUUhOQkRYVlo1M1NHU0ozMC4u__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jmCqLE7OUlRysRLvw1nsi___MNqqwMczvuu0ZsnOuhAh7BdMPk0pB7RX_klSwiawpg4lU4W3kO_cAmWY$>

gesture | C21
UW College of Arts & Sciences

All our content: linktr.ee/gestureuw<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/linktr.ee/gestureuw__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gPNOuoderO2vsZarqBDZYsGLYSM0SntTB7mAPRq-VKVkaaSQF-Myz0Lmv3FT1lZ4NFnnaizCOsaGyZc$>

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