[Histmaj] FW: Undergraduate History Journal at Illinois Spring 2024 Call for Submissions

Mon Feb 5 06:59:26 PST 2024


We are the Undergraduate History Journal at Illinois, a student-run academic history journal at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. We introduced ourselves last semester and requested your department’s help in promoting our call for submissions. We are reaching out again this semester to invite students from your university to submit a paper for our upcoming Spring 2024 edition. We would greatly appreciate it if you could share the following information with students in your department.

The Undergraduate History Journal at Illinois is a fully student-run organization that provides students with the opportunity to gain legitimate publishing experience through a double-blind peer review editing process. Our previous issues can be found here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/ugresearchjournals.illinois.edu/index.php/IUJH/issue/archive__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!niqSa9-v2YdZM6oPlaPIqBwGSp-3e3isgdxcLwSwN_z09IriXVqH8WRK1sJyGYEOv30ictuE95kZuWybHOaOAz7R7A$>. We are currently accepting submissions for our Spring 2024 edition which will be published in May. Our submission guidelines are as follows:

Submissions from any discipline, as long as they focus on a historical topic or approach, are encouraged. The submission deadline is 11:59 PM on Sunday, February 11.

Submissions must be the original work of the author and should be 10-30 pages in length, excluding references. References should be in Chicago Style footnotes, with the bibliography separated into Primary Sources and Secondary Sources. The paper should be formatted as double-spaced text in 12pt Times New Roman font. The work submitted should not have been previously published or currently be under consideration for publication elsewhere.

Submissions can be sent to Journal's email address (histjournal.uiuc at gmail.com<mailto:histjournal.uiuc at gmail.com>) and all identifying information should be included in the body of the email, including home institution and academic year. All identifying information should be removed from the submitted text document to ensure an equitable review process.

Please reach out to histjournal.uiuc at gmail.com<mailto:histjournal.uiuc at gmail.com> with any questions or comments. We would love to receive external submissions and would be extremely grateful if you could pass along our information to students!

Thank you,

Will Doty

Undergraduate History Journal at Illinois
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