[Histmaj] CHID Ecuador Study Abroad - Info Session 2/13 - 12pm

Fri Feb 9 08:06:34 PST 2024

Ecuador Study Abroad Infornation Session

Food as Right, Farming as Knowledge: Agroecology and Food Sovereignty in the Andes and Amazon<https://chid.washington.edu/study-abroad/2024/autumn/food-right-farming-knowledge-agroecology-and-food-sovereignty-andes-and>
Quito, Ecuador
Information Session: Tuesday, 2/13 12pm
Join Zoom Meeting:
Meeting ID: 975 7765 2934
Passcode: 722112

Instructors: Tony Lucero and Juan Mateo Espinosa
Early Fall Start 2024
Dates of Instruction
September 2, 2024 - September 24, 2024
Application Deadline
February 15, 2024

José Antonio Lucero, PhD
Chair, Comparative History of Ideas Department (CHID)
Professor of International Studies/ Comparative History of Ideas
Adjunct Professor in American Indian Studies | Geography

H. Stewart Parker Endowed Faculty Fellow

Personal Zoom Room<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/5796571692__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!mVNH6CvvMvp3rg_ha13za3VKYjRsaIbtmRQB-jYixf46VqnhOyg-HV0nqfzRV30BZUZpDjGEBd7zf_4q$>

415 Thomson Hall Box 353650
University of Washington
Seattle, WA 98195-3650

My family and I live, work, and strive to be good relatives on Coast Salish lands and waters.
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