[Histmaj] Free Career Platform Subscriptions for Huskies

Wed Feb 21 13:12:52 PST 2024

To scale our work, expand our reach, and provide more equitable access to career assistance, we partner with several vendors in the career space. Access to a range of career platforms is FREE for students thanks to contributions from campus partners and the generous support of the Student Tech Fee Committee. Our Free Subscriptions for Huskies<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/category/free-subscriptions-for-huskies/> page contains links to each and I've categorized them below. This folder<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/drive.google.com/drive/folders/1CBPwrttSumVqMxqw4E5Xa5bNL6O6yWov?usp=sharing__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!lYS58raomP6R04Gtr1AC3HOV9W4vPNIdL_ifHtFhEU39VIdCloxNsHoApBZhEgJ8bcFpTYWYvnX1rHmizY0YLmOs$> contains images in different sizes to help you promote these products to your students.

Note for Bothell & Tacoma advisers - Please see your respective career center webpages to determine which of these products are available to your students, as all contracts are structured differently.

Find Purpose

* PathwayU<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/pathwayu/> - Take assessments to gain insights into your interests, values, personality, and workplace preferences. Explore UW majors, career paths, and internships that align with your unique characteristics.
* WOIS CIS360<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/career-planner-wois/> - Take career assessments, research careers, and use the Reality Check section to assess careers by projected expenses, desired income, desired living place, and more.

Explore Careers, Salaries, Trends

* Lightcast<https://careers.uw.edu/job-trends-salaries/> - Search frequently updated employment and market data to discover salary info and meaningful trends for all types of jobs.
* Vault<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/vault/> - Guides about industries, careers, employers, and more.
* Candid Career<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/candid-career-test/> - Short clips of professionals discussing their jobs and providing advice for entering their fields.

Build Skills & Experience

* LinkedIn Learning<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/linkedin-learning/> - On-demand video learning platform to help you develop and enhance academic, personal, and professional skills.
* Forage<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/forage/> - Open-access online library of employer-designed job simulations to help you build skills, get experience, and find your career fit.

Build Relationships

* Husky Landing<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/husky-landing/> - Professional networking tool for the UW community. Expand your Husky network, seek professional advice, find a mentor, participate in discussions, and more.

Tell Your Story

* StandOut<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/standout/> - Mock video interviewing platform to help students practice their interview skills.

Find Success

* Handshake<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/handshake/> - UW's online job and internship database. Use your computer or mobile device to schedule career coaching appointments; RSVP for events and career fairs; and search for on-campus jobs, internships, and career positions.
* Interstride<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/interstride/> - Supports international students who are seeking career opportunities in the U.S. and domestic students who are seeking career opportunities in other countries.
* Career Launch Readiness Assessment<https://careers.uw.edu/resources/career-launch-readiness-assessment/> - Help uncover your level of career readiness in these areas: 1) relationship-building skills, 2) professional communication, 3) career planning & exploration, 4) career and self-development, and 5) internship/job search & interview preparedness.

Also, did you know we have 8 curated career interest pages and 8 curated identity/affiliation pages<https://careers.uw.edu/find-your-community/> and that students can subscribe to them<https://careers.uw.edu/account/login/> to receive tailored content in their inboxes?

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Executive Director / Career & Internship Center
University of Washington / Seattle, WA
brianakr at uw.edu<mailto:brianakr at uw.edu> / 206.685.4139

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