[Histmaj] Applications for the Undergraduate Research Symposium are Now Open

Fri Jan 19 10:15:33 PST 2024


Apply for the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium:

Are you passionate about research? Ready to share your discoveries with the world? Here's your chance! The UW Office of Undergraduate Research is thrilled to invite you to participate in the 27th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 17th where you can showcase your work and engage with a vibrant community of scholars. Whether your project is in the social sciences, humanities, arts, or any other field, we welcome all disciplines. Students at all stages in the research process are encouraged to present and your research project does not have to be fully complete to participate. Don't miss this chance to shine a spotlight on your research and connect with fellow scholars, submit your application by February 8th at symposium.uw.edu<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/s/apply/>.

If you have any questions, contact us at undergradresearch at uw.edu<mailto:undergradresearch at uw.edu>.

Best regards,

The Office of Undergraduate Research (& Blinky the Robot)

[A yellow robot with purple text promoting the 27th annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 17, 2024]

Mark Weitzenkamp and Tracy Maschman Morrissey
History Undergraduate Advising
University of Washington
Smith Hall 315
Box 353560
Seattle, WA 98195
vm: 206.543.5691<tel:206.543.5691> fax: 206.543.9451<tel:206.543.9451>

Please click here to schedule an advising appointment! [outlook.office365.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UWHistoryAdvising@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hepl5zsGyNtp8irH6BFU_vfzEDAVByBQeKGrA21TwwYy6eG5HGMceoCxsf_yemPn_ZqlOYzhtiOUSeGhRg$>

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From: Advisers <advisers-bounces at mailman11.u.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Office of Undergraduate Research
Sent: Thursday, January 18, 2024 3:08 PM
To: advisers at uw.edu
Subject: [Advisers] Applications for the Undergraduate Research Symposium are Now Open

Hello Advising and Student Services Colleagues,

We are excited to announce that applications for the 27th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/symposium/> at the University of Washington are now open! We encourage you to share this opportunity with your students and encourage them to apply. The application deadline is Thursday, February 8th and application details as well as resources for applying can be found on our website (https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/s/apply/).

The Symposium provides undergraduate students from all disciplines with a unique opportunity to present their research, scholarship, and creative work to a larger audience. Save the date for Friday, May 17, 2024, for the 27th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.

We know advisers and student services staff make a big impact on promoting student engagement and we could use your help in spreading the word. Here are some marketing resources for the Symposium -

* Symposium Digital Screen Slide (attached)
* Apply for Symposium Digital Screen Slide (attached)
* Quick tips sheet for faculty and staff (attached)
* Marketing blurb for student newsletters: Apply for the UW Undergraduate Research Symposium: Are you passionate about research? Ready to share your discoveries with the world? Here's your chance! The UW Office of Undergraduate Research is thrilled to invite you to participate in the 27th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 17th where you can showcase your work and engage with a vibrant community of scholars. Whether your project is in the sciences, humanities, arts, or any other field, we welcome all disciplines. Students at all stages in the research process are encouraged to present and your research project does not have to be fully complete to participate. Don't miss this chance to shine a spotlight on your research and connect with fellow scholars, submit your application by February 8th at symposium.uw.edu<https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/s/apply/>.

Thank you for all that you do. If you have any questions, contact us at undergradresearch at uw.edu<mailto:undergradresearch at uw.edu>.

Best regards,

The Office of Undergraduate Research (& Blinky the Robot)

[A yellow robot with purple text promoting the 27th annual UW Undergraduate Research Symposium on May 17, 2024]

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