[Histmaj] Los Angeles Review of Books Publishing Workshop

Mark Weitzenkamp weitzen at uw.edu
Wed Mar 6 13:05:18 PST 2024


A message forwarded from our Chair, Professor Glennys Young, below

The Los Angeles Review of Books Publishing Workshop has a scholarship partnership with the Simpson Center for the Humanities for graduate students to join as Fellows for our intensive summer program. The applications for the 2024 LARB Publishing Workshop are open until April 1, and we are holding online info sessions tomorrow, March 7, and March 14. Could you please forward information about the workshop and info sessions to any students who might be interested in exploring careers in publishing or arts non-profits?

As you may already know, each summer we offer an intensive professional development course that trains students from diverse backgrounds in all aspects of book, magazine, and new media publishing in preparation for applying for jobs or internships in the industry or for launching their own small magazine, press, or literary non-profit. Our alumni have gone on in recent years to work at organizations such as Farrar, Straus, & Giroux, Harper’s Magazine, Harvard University Press, The Feminist Press, The Getty Research Institute, and The Pen/Faulkner Foundation, among many others.

This year’s 8th Publishing Workshop will be held online from June 24 - July 26, 2023. The past four courses were likewise virtual and proved to be both wonderfully productive and a more accessible option for many students who might otherwise not have been able to afford travel and accommodations in Los Angeles for the summer.

Accessibility has always been a key commitment of ours here at LARB, and since this program’s founding we’ve worked hard to ensure that as many qualified applicants as possible can attend regardless of their ability to pay. Last year, 80% of our Fellows received scholarship aid, either through fellowships via our partnerships or through LARB’s partial scholarship Reader’s Grants. Approximately 60% of our 2023 Fellows identified as BIPOC.

The LARB Publishing Workshop accepts Fellows who will graduate with a BA by December 2024, current graduate students, and people who are interested in transitioning to a career in publishing. Because LARB’s staff, editors, and writers include many academics and former academics, we are able to tailor some of our programming for graduate students who are looking to transition to a career outside of the academy that uses their skills in writing, research, and editing. In a typical cohort, a little over 50% of our Fellows are currently enrolled in a graduate program.

Would you please share news about the program and info sessions with your students and community?
With gratitude and all best wishes,
Lindsay Wright
Lindsay Wright

Los Angeles Review of Books

(323) 952-3950


Los Angeles Review of Books Publishing Workshop

June 24 - July 26, 2024: Online

Applications due April 1

The Los Angeles Review of Books is now accepting applications for the 2024 LARB Publishing Workshop.

A five-week intensive summer course, the LARB Publishing Workshop prepares students to succeed in careers in the ever-changing, seemingly inaccessible business of publishing. From June 24 - July 26, Workshop Fellows will learn from the industry professionals shaping print and digital publishing today. Speakers include Nicole Counts (One World), Rebecca Saletan (Riverhead), Christie Henry (Princeton University Press), Lori Dorr (The Paris Review), Dennis Johnson (Melville House), Jamia Wilson (Penguin Random House), Gerald Maa (The Georgia Review), Adam Levi (Transit Books), among others.

In addition to participating in lectures and workshops featuring over 50 guest speakers, Fellows will have the opportunity to join one of two practical tracks dedicated to magazine and book production. These will culminate in the publication of our online magazine PubLab or books of their own design. This combination of practical skills, industry insights, and creative networks have helped Workshop Fellows start their own ventures or build careers in publishing. Since our inaugural program in 2017, alumni have gone on to jobs at journals, agencies, and presses such as Farrar, Straus & Giroux, Bookends Literary Agency, Harvard University Press, Penguin-Random House, Harper’s Magazine, Stanford University Press, The Getty Research Institute, The Pen/Faulkner Foundation, and many more.

The program is open to undergraduates completing their degree by December 2024, those who have recently graduated, current graduate students, and people with relevant experience and interest in entering the publishing industry. Need-based scholarships are available, in keeping with our mission of accessibility, and we regularly partner with colleges and universities to provide fellowships for their students to attend. In keeping with our commitment to accessibility, the Publishing Workshop is conducted virtually.

Apply now through April 1. For more information and applications visit www.larbpublishingworkshop.org<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.larbpublishingworkshop.org__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gPdqedMlzg2XF0NnaZbjnXKn9ugUYBtODINX9m1esAZv98e5dRaf24nd-Qk_eY4BkHz_shydeb-pf5tKcykOEUg$>.

You can listen to 2023 Fellows talk about their experience here: https://youtu.be/5_WqZz8nGWY?si=Y2G89DtP7PSOV1cS<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/youtu.be/5_WqZz8nGWY?si=Y2G89DtP7PSOV1cS__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gPdqedMlzg2XF0NnaZbjnXKn9ugUYBtODINX9m1esAZv98e5dRaf24nd-Qk_eY4BkHz_shydeb-pf5tK0qeWh4c$>

LARB staff and recent alumni will hold info sessions with time for Q&A on March 7 and March 14. Register here: https://larbpublishingworkshop.org/how-to-apply/info-sessions/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/larbpublishingworkshop.org/how-to-apply/info-sessions/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gPdqedMlzg2XF0NnaZbjnXKn9ugUYBtODINX9m1esAZv98e5dRaf24nd-Qk_eY4BkHz_shydeb-pf5tKjdNz0LE$>

For questions about the workshop, please contact us at publishingworkshop at lareviewofbooks.org<mailto:publishingworkshop at lareviewofbooks.org>.

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