[Histmaj] It’s almost February – with lots of scholarship deadlines approaching
Mark Weitzenkamp via Histmaj
histmaj at u.washington.edu
Mon Jan 27 07:05:17 PST 2025
Hello all,
We hope that your first few weeks of Winter Quarter are going smoothly. Get a jumpstart on upcoming deadlines for February and March. And feel free to check out one of our upcoming info sessions<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/> or book an appointment with an advisor.
Featured Opportunities
Gilman International Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.gilmanscholarship.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSKit7yq0$> | Deadline: March 6
To be eligible for the Gilman Program, applicants must be receiving a Federal Pell Grant during the time of application or provide proof that they will be receiving a Pell Grant during the term of their study abroad program or internship. Award amounts range from $1000 to $5000 (with the opportunity to receive a Critical Need Language Award of up to $8000). Come to an info session on Feb. 18<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D179396971> and reach out to an OMSFA advisor!
Voyager Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.obama.org/programs/voyager-scholarship/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSFbbD7mo$> | Deadline: April 1
The Voyager Scholarship Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.obama.org/programs/voyager-scholarship/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSFbbD7mo$> is a two-year leadership development and scholarship program through The Obama Foundation. Through a transformational combination of barrier-reducing financial aid, an immersive work-travel experience, and a robust network of leaders and mentors, the Voyager Scholarship is designed to inspire, empower, and connect the next generation of leaders and equip them with the tools and resources they need to launch their careers in public service.
Current college Sophomores who plan to enroll full-time in their junior year of study at an accredited four-year college or university in the United States in Fall 2025. More here: https://www.obama.org/programs/voyager-scholarship/faq/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.obama.org/programs/voyager-scholarship/faq/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSCJvx86Y$>
Students receive up to $25,000 per year in “last dollar” financial aid for their junior and senior years of college, 10 years of Airbnb travel credit following graduation, the opportunity to connect at an in-person summit during their junior year, and a rich network of leaders and mentors to help them excel.
Research and General Opportunities
Beinecke Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/beineckescholarship.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSCuXtmMQ$> | UW Nomination Deadline: January 31
For students in the arts, humanities or social sciences fields planning to pursue a research-focused or creative-focused master's or doctoral program. Scholars receive $5,000 immediately prior to entering graduate school and an additional $30,000 while attending graduate school. Applicants must be college “juniors” (based on graduation date) with a documented history of receiving need-based financial aid. Apply for UW nomination and get more details here.<https://new.expo.uw.edu/expo/scholarships/beinecke>
Mortar Board Alumni/Tolo Foundation Scholarships<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.mortarboardtolo.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSGTC6T95$> | Deadline: January 31
The program annually recognizes UW sophomores, juniors, seniors, and graduate students, based on distinguished achievement in scholarship, leadership and service to the campus and community. Membership in Mortar Board is not required for scholarship selection.
These Spring Quarter 2025 scholarships range between $2,000 and $3,000. An awarded scholarship can be used only for tuition, fees, books, supplies and equipment required for instruction.
Hollings Undergraduate Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.noaa.gov/office-education/hollings-scholarship/prospective__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSICexY11$> | Deadline: January 31
Open to undergraduate sophomores or third year students in a five-year program. Awardees receive $9,500 per year for two years of full-time study, and a 10-week, full time, paid summer internship opportunity at any NOAA facility nationwide. All scholars also receive funding to present their summer internship research at two national scientific conferences.
Tillman Scholars Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/pattillmanfoundation.org/apply/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSPq1X7nj$> | Deadline: February 1
The Pat Tillman Foundation identifies remarkable military service members, veterans and spouses, empowering them with academic scholarships, lifelong leadership development opportunities and a diverse, global community of high-performing mentors and peers. Scholars make an impact in the fields of healthcare, business, public service, STEM, education and the humanities. Average amount per year: $10,000.
University of Washington Retirement Association Scholarship<https://retirees.uw.edu/give-back/student-support/scholarship-application/> | Deadline: February 5
The University of Washington Retirement Association, a membership organization of retired UW faculty and staff, announces the availability of scholarships for UW undergraduate, graduate and professional students with a focus on research related to aging or on the provision of services to older adults. Awards of up to $4,000 each will be made in Spring Quarter to students selected for their demonstrated promise and financial need. Students should have completed the first year of their program by the time they submit an application.
NIIMBL eXperience - NIIMBL<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.niimbl.org/workforce/niimbl-experience/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSGxRhUVc$> | Deadline: February 7
NIIMBL eXperience: An exclusive, in-person immersion program that offers students real-world, hands-on insight into biopharmaceutical industry careers. For first and second year undergrads who are interested in biopharmaceutical manufacturing: a 1 week paid summer experience.
Space Grant Undergraduate Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.waspacegrant.org/opportunities/listing/space-grant-undergraduate-scholarship/*/__;Iw!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSMQ-AXQC$> | Priority Deadline: February 14
Washington Space Grant Consortium (WASG) offers up to $5,000 scholarships to undergraduate students planning to study in science, technology, engineering, or mathematics at the University of Washington Seattle (UW). Application link.<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.waspacegrant.org/opportunities/listing/space-grant-undergraduate-scholarship/*/__;Iw!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSMQ-AXQC$>
· Be a U.S. Citizen or legal resident.
· Have demonstrated financial need via FAFSA or WASFA application.
· Space Grant Scholars should be enrolled in an approved STEM major. If you don’t see your degree program listed, you may still be eligible, email nasa at uw.edu<mailto:nasa at uw.edu> to ask.
Puget Sound Association of Phi Beta Kappa Scholarships<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.psa-pbk.org/scholarships__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSOd3fPak$> | Deadline: February 15
PSA-PBK offers up to three undergraduate scholarships of $3,000 each, as well as the Myra Lupton scholarship in the amount of $3,500 for a first-generation college student.
Applicants do not have to be members of Phi Beta Kappa. Undergraduate Scholarship GPA minimum requirement: 3.8. Myra Lupton Scholarship GPA minimum requirement: 3.4 .
National Institutes of Health Undergraduate Scholarship Program<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.training.nih.gov/research-training/pb/ugsp/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSEzw2E0v$> | Deadline: March 26
This program is for students from disadvantaged backgrounds who are committed to careers in biomedical, behavioral, and social science research. The program provides scholarship recipients up to $20,000 per academic year for tuition, educational, and reasonable living expenses. Scholarships are awarded for one year and can be renewed for up to four years.
For every year of scholarship support, scholars commit to two paid service obligations in the NIH Intramural Research Program. These are:
· A ten week full-time summer internship at the NIH immediately following the year of scholarship support
· One year of full-time work at the NIH post-graduation; this service obligation may be deferred until completion of an advanced degree program.
Sea Mar Scholarships<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.seamar.org/scholarships__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gvf20oJwldU6M_wOXMKOnClxSH8QpeSxrfg2sVNQDo-HDkX1pRBHUxhV_aBVNUacpzxyD6x_5X98GH2NG4CmZw$> | Deadline: April 15
Sea Mar Farmworker High School & College Scholarships<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.seamar.org/scholarship-farmworker.html__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gvf20oJwldU6M_wOXMKOnClxSH8QpeSxrfg2sVNQDo-HDkX1pRBHUxhV_aBVNUacpzxyD6x_5X98GH36cBOxtQ$>
Sea Mar recognizes and acknowledges the barriers children of farm working families face in their pursuit of a college degree. Economic strains, as well as language and cultural barriers can often affect these students.
Sometimes students need to work after school and all summer to assist their family. Sea Mar is proud to provide annual scholarships to help make college a reality. Award amount: $1,000. You can access this scholarship by clicking here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.seamar.org/scholarship-farmworker.html__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gvf20oJwldU6M_wOXMKOnClxSH8QpeSxrfg2sVNQDo-HDkX1pRBHUxhV_aBVNUacpzxyD6x_5X98GH36cBOxtQ$>.
Latino/a Educational Achievement Project Scholarship<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.seamar.org/scholarship-leap1.html__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gvf20oJwldU6M_wOXMKOnClxSH8QpeSxrfg2sVNQDo-HDkX1pRBHUxhV_aBVNUacpzxyD6x_5X98GH28Ttj9XA$>
The Sea Mar Latino/a Educational Achievement Project Scholarship provides financial support for students who demonstrate a history of advocacy, responsibility, accountability, perseverance, are go-getters, and have shown or have the strong potential to be contributors to their community. Award amount: $2,500. You can access this scholarship by clicking here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.seamar.org/scholarship-leap1.html__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gvf20oJwldU6M_wOXMKOnClxSH8QpeSxrfg2sVNQDo-HDkX1pRBHUxhV_aBVNUacpzxyD6x_5X98GH28Ttj9XA$>.
For any questions, please contact Kenia at keniadiaz at seamarchc.org<mailto:keniadiaz at seamarchc.org> or scholarship at seamarchc.org<mailto:scholarship at seamarchc.org>.
Study Abroad-related Opportunities
Corbett Exchange Program<https://jsis.washington.edu/canada/funding/corbett-program/> | January 31, 2025
This regionally-focused exchange program is designed to build a community of students with a deeper understanding of the relationship between Canada and the US here in the Pacific Northwest. Students receive a $10,000 award to spend an academic year at the University of Victoria or University of British Columbia.
Foreign Language and Area Studies<https://jsis.washington.edu/advise/funding/flas/> | Deadline: January 31, 2025
(FLAS) Fellowships support undergraduate, graduate and professional students in acquiring modern foreign languages and area studies competencies. They are available to current or incoming UW students who are U.S. citizens, permanent residents, or nationals. Students from all UW departments and schools are encouraged to apply.
FLAS Fellows receive:
· Academic Year Undergraduate: $10,000 tuition, $5,000 living stipend
· Academic Year Graduate: $18,000 tuition, $20,000 living stipend
· Summer Graduate/Undergraduate: $5,000 tuition, $3,500 living stipend
Fulbright UK Summer Institutes<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/fulbright.org.uk/our-programmes/undergraduate-and-pre-university-programmes/uk-summer-institutes/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSMZ1ReeI$> | Deadline: February 3, 2025
These are funded three to four week programs for US undergraduate students, who have no or very little travel experience outside North America. Each Summer Institute focuses on a different topic, allowing you to expand your knowledge of your particular area of interest. Outside of the classroom, there will be opportunities to explore the UK cultural sites and make new friends along the way.
· University of Birmingham: British Cultural Heritage
· University of Bristol: Arts, Activism and Social Justice
· Queen's University: Belfast Understanding Northern Ireland
· University of St Andrews: Scotland's History: Kingdom, Nation, People
· Lancaster University: Film
· King’s College London: Making Modern Britain: Institutions, Power, & People
Taiwan English Teaching Flagship Award<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/taiwan-etaprogram.org/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!k7G7rm32ZAfrgg9gzGh9y_-oo3xMFhSYq02KF1ZemEXUI08V5WNy1nPDHtLtSz88oU_sFuXwSkduoJQ9CxIP7HvgSANbopUO$> | Deadline: February 28, 2025
· The English Teaching Flagship Award gives applicants interested in English Teaching and Education the opportunity to live in Taiwan, participate in cultural exchange, and receive hands-on teaching experience.
· Sponsored by the U.S. Fulbright Taiwan Commission, The Foundation for Scholarly Exchange (FSE), and the Taiwan Ministry of Education.
· Renewable for several years (must be selected).
All the best,
OMSFA Advising team:
Chetana Acharya<mailto:cacharya at uw.edu>, Olivia Albiero,<mailto:albieroo at uw.edu> Simon Tran<mailto:trans2 at uw.edu> & Robin Chang<mailto:robinc at uw.edu>, UW Seattle undergrads & alumni
Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships & Awards (OMSFA)
scholarq at uw.edu<mailto:scholarq at uw.edu> | Instagram: @uwomsfa
Mary Gates Hall, Suite 171, Seattle, WA 98195
The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations. Learn more here<https://www.washington.edu/diversity/tribal-relations/>.
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