[Histmaj] EVENT: UW HIHIM Program - Last Info Session for 2022 Cohort

Mon Apr 4 15:02:01 PDT 2022

The next Info Session for the Health Informatics & Health Information Management (HIHIM) program is tomorrow Tuesday, April 5th at 5:30pm via Zoom. Please RSVP to hihim at uw.edu<mailto:hihim at uw.edu> to receive the Zoom link. An Application Workshop will immediately follow from 6:30-7:30pm.

This is the last Information Session and Application Workshop being held before our application closes on Friday, April 15th for the incoming 2022 cohort.

More info about application workshops and information sessions can be found here: https://www.healthinformationmanagement.uw.edu/admissions/information-sessions-events.


Andrea Vargas (she/her)
Program Adviser & Student Services Manager
Health Informatics & Health Information Management (HIHIM) Major

Staff Co-Chair / HSPop Equity, Diversity, & Inclusion (EDI) Committee

Department of Health Systems & Population Health (HSPop)

School of Public Health

I Am First Gen
avarg at uw.edu<mailto:avarg at uw.edu> / healthinformationmanagement.uw.edu<https://www.healthinformationmanagement.uw.edu/>
Schedule an Appointment<https://bit.ly/3nV1wEj>

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