[Histmaj] APPLY: Mortar Board Membership Applications Open Until April 15th, 2022

Tue Apr 12 15:33:26 PDT 2022

Mortar Board Application and Nominations Now Open!!!

Mortar Board has an unrivaled history on campus and is one of the University of Washington’s great traditions! A certified national honor society, Mortar Board recognizes college seniors for their exemplary scholarship, leadership, and service. Year after year, the Tolo Chapter at the UW is regarded nationally as one of Mortar Board’s most outstanding chapters.

Among UW Tolo Chapter alumni are civic leader and UW Regent Mary Gates, philanthropist Marion Oliver McCaw, and former Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna. NFL quarterback and philanthropist Drew Brees, former Director of the National Science Foundation Rita Colwell, Challenger astronaut Judith Resnik, former first lady Laura Bush, and former U.S. Secretary of State and educator Condoleezza Rice are among many distinguished Mortar Board alumni throughout the country.

Members of Mortar Board are a diverse group of individuals who have excelled in academics and have demonstrated excellent leadership skills. Our members are actively involved in service to the community. Tolo Chapter provides a unique opportunity to meet other amazing scholars on campus and to participate in the group’s service and leadership opportunities.

If you would like to learn more about the Tolo Chapter, please visit our website at http://uwmortarboard.dreamhosters.com. The national website can be found at mortarboard.org<http://mortarboard.org>. Please also feel free to reach out to us directly at mortarbd at uw.edu<mailto:mortarbd at uw.edu>.

Applicants must be current juniors in good standing who are planning to graduate no sooner than Fall Quarter 2022. The application form for the 2022/2023 class can be found at: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1pSRCBB-aZPGNE_9S18QRzjt8RGvc2YSXOkdkPAHQ27k/viewform?

To nominate an outstanding student for Mortar Board, the nomination form also is found at that link.

Deadline for the completed application is this Friday, April 15, 2022, at 11:59 pm.

Mortar Board National College Senior Honor Society
Class of 2021-2022
Tolo Chapter
University of Washington
mortarbd at uw.edu<mailto:mortarbd at uw.edu>
[Image result for mortar board national college senior honor society logo]
[Image result for university of washington logo]
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