[Histmaj] APPLY: CBE Aspire Interns/Externs Program - application closing April 18

Tue Apr 12 16:35:39 PDT 2022

The UW College of Built Environments is now accepting applications for its Aspire Interns/Externs Program<https://be.uw.edu/be-students/aspire-program/>. During this 8-week program in Summer 2022, students will interact with industry and academic leaders in the built environments while learning about the importance of home and homeownership to promote a thriving community. To support living expenses during the program, participants will receive a $3,000 summer stipend.

APPLY HERE<https://forms.gle/efStZN5zVegBrHnu5>

The application deadline is April 18, 2022. Current UW undergraduates and incoming transfer students are eligible to apply. Students with a demonstrated academ​ic interest in the built environments are preferred. Students from historically underrepresented or marginalized groups, and/or those with lived experiences of housing insecurity, are especially encouraged to apply.

For questions, please contact Aspire Program Manager Alexis Wheeler at wheela at uw.edu<mailto:wheela at uw.edu>.


Alexis M. Wheeler


Program Manager

College of Built Environments

University of Washington

410A Gould Hall

Box 355726

Seattle, WA 98195

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