[Histmaj] Please volunteer at the Undergraduate Research Symposium

Mon Apr 18 15:49:47 PDT 2022

The Undergraduate Research Program is seeking UW student volunteers for this year's 25th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium <https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/symposium/> on Friday, May 20, 9:30am-5:30pm.

Volunteers are critical to the success of the Symposium. Thank you for considering volunteering!

*Sign-up for Symposium Volunteer Shifts


This year, we're excited to offer both in-person and virtual sessions, so there are a variety of volunteer opportunities <https://www.washington.edu/undergradresearch/symposium/volunteer-at-the-undergraduate-research-symposium/>. Volunteers are welcome to sign up for multiple shifts (as long as the times do not conflict). Snacks will be available for volunteers to keep you fueled!

Volunteer roles include:

- Pre-event setup & material prep volunteer shifts Wednesday, May 18-Thursday, May 19

- Registration, morning of May 20

- General Assistance on event day, May 20

- Session Assistant volunteers for both in-person and virtual sessions on May 20 (requires additional training time)

- Tear down volunteers at the end of the event

We hope you can volunteer, and we appreciate your support of the UW Undergraduate Research Program and the Research Symposium!


The URP Symposium team
Undergraduate Research Program
Center for Experiential Learning and Diversity | Undergraduate Academic Affairs
University of Washington
Box 352803 | 171 Mary Gates Hall
PH: 206.543.4282 | FAX: 206.616.4389
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