[Histmaj] ENGL 285 Writers on Writing VLPA course offered Spring quarter

Mon Feb 28 15:34:25 PST 2022


Tues. & Thurs. 12:30-2:20 (Hybrid)
SLN: 14159
5 credits, VLPA
Instructor: Prof. Maya Sonenberg

* Lectures and Readings by UW Creative Writing faculty and other fiction writers, poets, and nonfiction writers
* Opportunities for small group work & feedback on your writing
* Assignments: brief responses to the talks, short creative writing exercises
* Questions? Ask me! mayas at uw.edu<mailto:mayas at uw.edu>
* More info about me: https://mayasonenberg.com/ & https://english.washington.edu/people/maya-sonenberg

This is a great class for students who harbor a secret—or not so secret!—love of reading and writing, or those who are just curious about how poets and novelists create their work. In past years, I’ve had students from nearly every major and ranging from freshman to senior. I’ve enjoyed working with all of them!

This spring, the class will meet mostly in person. Needing to meet remotely last year allowed me to bring in visitors from around the US, and we will continue to have at least some Zoom sessions with visiting writers, while some local writers will come meet with us in-person. This large class will be broken into smaller pods to provide a sense of community, to share and receive feedback on experiments in writing poetry, fiction, and memoir, and to discuss issues raised by the assigned readings. On their own time, students will watch recordings of a wide variety of writers lecturing or reading from their work, read widely, and participate in online discussion forums.

I've attached a flyer and am happy to answer any questions students might have!

Maya Sonenberg (mayas at uw.edu<mailto:mayas at uw.edu>)
Professor of English & Creative Writing
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