[Histmaj] Space Available in NUTR Courses in Spring

Thu Mar 3 11:50:01 PST 2022

We've built up capacity in a few courses and have room to spare in NUTR courses in SPR 2022<https://www.washington.edu/students/timeschd/SPR2022/nutrit.html>.
If you are working with students who are pursuing the Nutrition minor, considering the major in Food Systems, Nutrition, and Health, or are otherwise interested in topics from personal nutrition to population health, please share with them.

NUTR 200 Nutrition for Today (4) NW
Examines the role of nutrition in health, wellness, and prevention of chronic disease. Topics include nutrients and nutritional needs across the lifespan, food safety, food security, wellness, body weight regulation, eating disorders, sports nutrition, and prevention of chronic disease.

NUTR 302 Food Systems: Harvest to Health (5) NW/I&S
Examines the many facets of the modern food supply from production and processing to distribution, marketing, and retail. Systems approach to foods studies considers geopolitical, agricultural, environmental, social, and economic factors along the pathway from harvest to health. Prerequisite: NUTR 200.

NUTR 303 Food Systems: Individual to Population Health (5) I&S/NW
T Th, 2:30 - 3:50 in Kane 210
Revised to include additional population health content, this course examines the local food environment. It explores where people get their food, access issues, and public health nutrition initiatives. It is not necessary to complete NUTR 302 prior to NUTR 303. Prerequisite: NUTR 200.

NUTR 310 Nutrition and the Life Course (4) NW
Explores nutrient needs from infancy through adolescence and adulthood, including the physiological basis of nutrient requirements and the genetic, social, and environmental influences on food choices and nutrition status. Uses an evidence-based approach to assess the impact of nutrition across life stages and ways to improve population health by improving nutrition. Prerequisite: NUTR 200.

NUTR 406 Sports Nutrition (3) NW
Covers the essentials of human nutrition that improve and sustain optimal performance for sport and exercise. Discusses the effect of eating disorders (in both male and female athletes), weight management, and sport nutrition resources. Prerequisite: NUTR 200.

NUTR 411 Diet in Health and Disease (3) QSR
Impact of diet on health and the prevention of obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other non-communicable diseases. Examines diet-health relationships; social, environmental, and economic factors in eating behavior; and evidence base behind dietary guidelines. Draws on seminal and recent research in nutrition science and uses examples from recent media coverage. Prerequisite: NUTR 200



Susan Inman, MSSW
Pronouns: She, Her, Hers
Manager of Student & Academic Services
Nutritional Sciences Program<http://nutr.uw.edu/>
University of Washington
305-G Raitt Hall | 206-685-9435
Connect with us via Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/UWNutritionalSciences/>, Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/uwnutrsci/>, or Linked In<https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3910209/>

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