[Histmaj] Space Available - JSIS 478 A: Global Challenges: Diaspora Communities in Seattle and Beyond

Thu Mar 3 09:23:29 PST 2022

Global Challenges: Diaspora Communities in Seattle and Beyond

JSIS 478 A

MW 1:30 – 3:20pm

Many people assume that when someone moves to a new country, ties to the old country are cut or reduced. 

New technology allows members of diaspora, or immigrant, communities to more easily stay in touch with their countries of origin.  This new reality profoundly impacts how people in diaspora communities view home and where they perceive their home to be. 

Through engagement with the local Seattle community, students in this class will explore peoples’ connections to their countries of origin and how these connections affect their understanding of home and where they belong. Students will then examine specific questions, including:

· How do people negotiate their identity, given these ties to their countries of origins and their relationships with the place where they live?

· And what strategies do people use to build their livelihood and define their identities?

This JSIS course is offered in partnership with the Global Connections Study Abroad Program.

For more information, please email Global Connections at globcon at uw.edu<mailto:globcon at uw.edu>
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