[Histmaj] URBDP 200: Intro to Urbanization -- Open to all students!

Mon Mar 7 13:53:33 PST 2022

In 2007 we reached the tipping point: more people now live in cities than in the countryside. What is going on? Why does it matter? How do cities work? How can they be different—and better—in the future?

URBDP 200: Introduction to Urbanization
5 credits, I&S
MWF, 10:30 - 11:20
BAG 154

URBDP 200 is an introductory course for a wide range of undergraduates. It's great for anyone curious about cities. It explores why the world is urbanizing and what consequences that has for people’s lives. It examines why cities take on different characteristics — dense or sprawling, segregated or integrated, thriving or stagnant, car or transit oriented, democratic or authoritarian. It's a 5-credit course that is open to all majors, satisfies the I&S requirement, and counts toward the Urban Design & Planning minor.

MEGAN HERZOG (she/her)
Academic Advisor
Community, Environment & Planning
College of Built Environments
University of Washington
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