[Histmaj] EDUC 300 B-The Sports Coach as Leader (open seats)

Thu Mar 10 09:38:29 PST 2022

EDUC 300 B<https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=SPR+2022&SLN=13909>

The Sports Coach as Leader

TTh 8:30 - 9:50 Miller 212

3 credits

What do Ted Lasso and the coaches from Last Chance U or Cheer have to tell us about what it means to be a coach? This course will also use current coach-leaders and mainstream representations of coaches to help shape our understanding of the sports coach as leader. We will examine research and theory about leadership and about the craft and practice of coaching. Emphasis will be on how coaches lead to create an athletic environment that integrates peak athletic performance with the holistic well being of athletes. What tensions exist for coaches in balancing these aims? Are winning and athlete well-being attainable simultaneously? We will also consider the following questions: What skills and attributes does the effective coach-leader have? How have notions of leadership in coaching changed and how are they different based on the developmental context of the program (youth, collegiate, pro)?

Denisse Guerrero-Harvey, M.Ed.
Lead Academic Adviser
Early Childhood & Family Studies (ECFS) Major
College of Education Undergraduate Programs<https://education.uw.edu/programs/undergraduate>
Schedule an appointment with Denisse<https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1086133/pages/advising-schedule>
Drop-In Advising <https://education.uw.edu/my-coe/current-students/advising/undergrad/ecfs>
Phone Number: 206-616-6211
Pronouns: She/Her/Ella/Suya
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