[Histmaj] Space Still Available: Crisis Negotiation Spring Quarter
histadv at uw.edu
Thu Mar 10 11:02:19 PST 2022
A unique opportunity in Spring Quarter: International Negotiation Crisis Simulation: Korean Nuclear Crisis<https://jsis.washington.edu/maais/overview/capstone-research/iscne/>.
This is an excellent opportunity to learn about how negotiation happens in the real world.
See Professor Robert Pekkanen's<https://jsis.washington.edu/maais/people/robert-pekkanen/> description below.
Course Description:
The international strategic crisis negotiation simulation offers students a tremendous opportunity to role-play a complex diplomatic negotiation related to a real-world global conflict. Offered in conjunction with the US Army War College, this year's exercise will simulate Six Party Talks and bring an end to the diplomatic standoff over North Korea’s nuclear program. Over the course of the quarter-long class taught by Prof. Robert Pekkanen, participants will learn about the politics of the region, as well as team leadership and diplomatic negotiation skills, in preparation for the 2-day simulation on May 14 and 15.
I want to call to your attention the unique opportunity to participate in a great simulation exercise through registering for JSIS 549 this quarter. Students join one of six teams representing North Korea, South Korea, China, Japan, the US, and Russia for a two-day intensive negotiation. The simulation exercise is a wonderful hands-on experience for any student interested in international relations and diplomacy. I run the simulation in collaboration with the US Army War College, who send a team out to Seattle for the simulation. I don’t believe there is any other course or opportunity like this at UW and I encourage you to consider it.
-Professor Robert Pekkanen
JSIS 549: Crisis Negotiation<https://sdb.admin.uw.edu/timeschd/uwnetid/sln.asp?QTRYR=SPR+2020&SLN=15601>
Spring 2022
4 credits
More information and registration details available here<https://jsis.washington.edu/maais/overview/capstone-research/iscne/>.
Open to graduate students (and upper level undergraduates with instructor permission), this is a fee-based class offered through UW Continuum College and there is a separate registration fee at the MAAIS rate. Some students may get instructor permission to register for JSIS B 431/531.
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