[Histmaj] EVENT: Washington State Legislative Internship Program Info Sessions, May 24th and 25th

Mon May 23 09:31:42 PDT 2022

For all interested undergraduate students-

Each January the Washington State Legislature welcomes a cohort of passionate, inquisitive, and hardworking juniors and seniors to serve as non-partisan legislative staff. This is a full-time, five-days-a-week internship lasting through the whole of Winter quarter 2023.

Applications for the Winter 2023 internship will open on September 1, 2022, with a priority deadline of October 15, 2022 and a final deadline of October 20, 2022. Students must be enrolled juniors or seniors, in good academic standing, and receiving academic credit for the internship.

The Coordinators for the Internship Program will be offering two full days of information sessions for any interested students on May 24th (in person) and May 25th (on Zoom). There will be seven half-hour long sessions on the 24th, in Gowen 1A, and then seven half-hour Zoom sessions on the 25th.

In-Person Information Sessions in Gowen Hall, room 1A
May 24th, 10:00-10:30AM
May 24th, 10:30-11:00AM
May 24th, 11:00-11:30AM
May 24th, 1:00-1:30PM
May 24th, 1:30-2:00PM
May 24th, 2:00-2:30PM
May 24th, 3:00-3:30PM

Zoom Information Sessions on May 25th, link: <https://washington.zoom.us/j/91849947136> https://washington.zoom.us/j/91849947136
May 25th, 9:30-10:00AM
May 25th, 11:00-11:30AM
May 25th, 1:00-1:30PM
May 25th, 1:30-2:00PM
May 25th, 2:30-3:00PM
May 25th, 3:00-3:30PM
May 25th, 3:30-4:00PM

In addition to earning academic credit, interns engage as part of a team, helping solve real world problems for the citizens of Washington. These interactions provide one-of-a-kind insights into the events and legislation that impact our state every day.

The Legislative Internship Program offers unparalleled access to Washington’s most influential leaders and policy makers, professional development to build transferable skills, and hands-on simulations to learn all aspects of the legislative process. This experience will encourage you to learn quickly, think critically, and develop professionally as you forge lifelong connections in public policy.

Political experience is not necessary, and students of all majors are encouraged to apply. We welcome applicants from diverse backgrounds and political ideologies who are active leaders, engaged in campus communities, and excited to learn about government while gaining practical job skills. Whether your interest is in law, business, communications, environmental policy, public health, or elsewhere, there is a place for you as a legislative intern. Interns are matched with legislators in the State House or the Senate based on interest areas and political ideology. The program also has opportunities for interns to serve as caucus staff, focusing on policy or communications.

Visit their website<https://leg.wa.gov/Internships/Pages/default.aspx>

The Washington State Legislative Internship Program Coordinators who will be running the info sessions are:
Leo O'Leary and Louis Lindstrom. They can be contacted at civic.ed at leg.wa.gov<mailto:civic.ed at leg.wa.gov>.

The contact person for the Washington State Legislative Internship Program in the University of Washington-Seattle is Mark Weitzenkamp (weitzen at uw.edu<mailto:weitzen at uw.edu>). Feel free to reach out with questions, particularly about how the credit requirement is fulfilled at UW-Seattle.



Mark Weitzenkamp, PhD

Academic Counselor for

Political Science Major and

Human Rights Minor

Smith 215

University of Washington

Political Science Department

Box 353530

Seattle, WA 98195-3530

(206) 543-1824 FAX: (206) 685-2146

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