[Histmaj] UCBI now hiring paid interns! Info sessions start
tomorrow (Wed)
Tracy L Maschman Morrissey
tmasch at uw.edu
Wed Oct 5 16:56:44 PDT 2022
Hello Historians,
Please note that these are paid internships!
Good luck!
Hello Friends and Colleagues,
We're excited to share that the application for Undergraduate Community-Based Internships (UCBI)<http://cele.uw.edu/programs/undergraduate-community-based-internships-ucbi/> is now LIVE! Application deadline is Wednesday, October 19. Info sessions start tomorrow.
It's important that our interns share values, identities and lived experiences with the communities with which we partner. Black, Indigenous and Students of Color, as well as LGBTQIA+ students and those who hold other marginalized identities, are strongly encouraged to apply.
We'll send a follow-up email later in our application process as well. There will surely be cross-posting, but we thank you for sharing this info with your students!
Take care and have a great week,
UCBI is now hiring paid interns to work with community organizations in Seattle and King County!
Undergraduate Community-Based Internships (UCBI)<https://cele.uw.edu/programs/undergraduate-community-based-internships-ucbi/> is a paid internship program for undergraduates who are interested in working in nonprofit and public sector organizations. Interns work 10 hours/week with community-based organizations during winter and spring quarters. Additionally, they participate in weekly cohort meetings led by graduate student mentors.
Why participate in UCBI:
* Take your learning off campus and (re)connect with communities
* Dive into a topic or issue you're passionate about and explore career opportunities
* Learn more about power, privilege, identity and systems of oppression through community engagement
* Receive mentorship and coaching from UCBI mentors and nonprofit/public sector leaders
* Engage in professional development opportunities and build your network with your cohort and host organization
* Earn a stipend ($2250/quarter) for your work
* Earn academic credit toward leadership minor through LEAD298 in winter and spring
Applications open thru Wednesday, October 19. Students are strongly encouraged to attend an info session before submitting an application. Swing by MGH 171 for an in-person info session or catch us on Zoom next week --
* Info session #1 (MGH 171) on Wednesday, 10/5, 10:00-11:00AM
* Info session #2 (MGH 171) on Thursday, 10/6, 10:00-11:00AM
* Info session #3 (MGH 171) on Tuesday, 10/11, 3:30-4:30PM
* Info session #4 (Zoom [washington.zoom.us]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/washington.zoom.us/j/95789887656__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gG_Sgdtr7nholQIWf1ZVD09pM6eo_QC4NOwAcfl09jBHzPVkCFEPFjszjL-KGo-v-c8hTPpwZTks_NsNePVCzJU$>) on Wednesday, 10/12, 5:30-6:30 (ZOOM ID: 957 8988 7656)
You can also email us at ucbiteam at uw.edu<mailto:ucbiteam at uw.edu> with any questions. We look forward to meeting you and exploring community-based internship options for 2022-2023!
Thank you,
Armon, Justin, Katy, Ray, & Katie
Sr. Program Manager of Community-Based Internships
Community Engagement & Leadership Education (CELE) Center
Box 352803
171 Mary Gates Hall / Seattle, WA 98195-2803
206.221.1910 / fax 206.616.4389
kwallac1 at uw.edu<mailto:kwallac1 at uw.edu> / cele.uw.edu
Katie uses she/her pronouns.
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