[Histmaj] Fulbright catch-up session TODAY and other resources for prospective applicants!

Tracy L Maschman Morrissey tmasch at uw.edu
Wed Jul 5 12:21:38 PDT 2023

Dear Historians,

Please see below for info on an information session today for prospective Fulbright applicants. There are also other resources posted through UW’s Office of Merit Scholarships and Fellowships.

Good luck!!


Director of Academic Services
Department of History

Please click here to schedule an advising appointment<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UWHistoryAdvising@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/>

Student resources in times of need<https://history.washington.edu/student-resources-times-need>

pronouns: she/her
315 A Smith Hall, Campus Box 353560
(206) 221-5013/tmasch at uw.edu<mailto:tmasch at uw.edu>
In office – Monday, Wednesday, Thursday

From: Advisers <advisers-bounces at mailman11.u.washington.edu> On Behalf Of Chetana Acharya
Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 9:03 AM
To: advisers at uw.edu
Subject: [Advisers] FW: Fulbright catch-up session TODAY and other resources for prospective applicants!

Hello advisor friends,
Please pass onto your students and alums.
Thanks! Chetana

Assistant Director, Office of Merit Scholarships, Fellowships and Awards
Center for Experiential Learning & Diversity
Undergraduate Academic Affairs
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Sent: Wednesday, July 5, 2023 9:01 AM
To: scholarships at u.washington.edu<mailto:scholarships at u.washington.edu>
Subject: Fulbright catch-up session TODAY and other resources for prospective applicants!

Are you considering a Global Fellowship like Fulbright? Worried that you may have missed the opportunity>

**NO WORRIES, as we have the Fulbright Catch-up<https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/?trumbaEmbed=view%3Devent%26eventid%3D167272472> Workshop scheduled for TODAY: Wednesday July 5 at 4:30 p.m. !!

Join us and we will help you get on track towards the August 30th UW deadline for Fulbright!

**Support for you:

* Check out the resources in the US Fulbright Student Program site (https://us.fulbrightonline.org/applicants/getting-started<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/us.fulbrightonline.org/applicants/getting-started__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!gsvsc09N-hg35B5XDDUNP7epQhDwJBJuH7Kg1qUMot7H6BAIMdIRahFMkx7QAOhUQJLXjMjoMrlDzadORQ$>). (Open an application and take a look at what you’ll be asked to write.)
* Sign up for Global Fellowship Prep (https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/global-fellowships-prep/)
* Join upcoming workshops (https://expd.uw.edu/scholarships/events/).
* Click below to connect with an advisor (on your campus, by last name – see the signature).

Thank you and maybe we’ll see you later today!
UW Fulbright US Student Program & Global Fellowships Advising team:
Chetana Acharya<mailto:cacharya at uw.edu> (last names M-Z) & Robin Chang<mailto:robinc at uw.edu> (last names A-L), UW Seattle undergrads & alumni
Michelle Sutton<mailto:mdrapek at uw.edu>, UW Seattle graduates & alumni
Natalia Dyba<mailto:nataliak at uw.edu>, UW Bothell students & alumni
Office of Global Affairs for general GFP questions<mailto:uwtoga at uw.edu>, or Dr. Vanessa de Veritch Woodside for Fulbright specific questions<mailto:vdw at uw.edu> UW Tacoma students & alumni

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