[Histmaj] UW Women's Center Leadership Academy Program

Tue Feb 27 09:09:47 PST 2024

The UW Women's Center has exciting career skills and networking opportunities for students in your program within our Leadership Academy program this Spring quarter.

Leadership Academy is a weekly series of workshops where students can connect with academic, corporate, and community leaders. The program will be provided in a hybrid mode and occur on Friday afternoons (around 3:30 - 6pm) at Cunningham Hall (at the Women's Center). Please check out our Leadership Academy webpage<https://www.washington.edu/womenscenter/newleadership/> to learn more about the fun and enriching line-up of topics and speakers. The application must be completed by March 5th EOD to be considered for the program. Apply HERE<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0k8h1x7LVwNEkRZN4SGuR3dUQlBTOTFDWkpRQ1hIMVRUS0wyTjQ2VjhTQi4u__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!g4qCiZvxu0knepsYtg9TekI_Tr-3deR631Qto-pb-mhHybV0C7KRZ0nKWqmeQzYzNgCGn8sDDrXINA$__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jAjZHcWBcbTi5eOjYo-1dAL6qReNVDbS1cXz2Cezj9C1EO9WrUzxKL-KsKnRKz4uZjbklA_3UYJ0X8k$>.

Part of admission requires an admission fee of $100, but if any students face financial difficulties, the fee can be waived or significantly discounted through our Scholarship form<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0k8h1x7LVwNEkRZN4SGuR3dUOTRDSkpaTlBFUUhEOTRMMFhUWjA4Uk5HNy4u&origin=lprLink__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jAjZHcWBcbTi5eOjYo-1dAL6qReNVDbS1cXz2Cezj9C1EO9WrUzxKL-KsKnRKz4uZjbklA_35C7Uyqc$>. Please forward this information to your students. Thank you

Thank you so much,
Monica Thomas
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