[Histmaj] Viet Nam Study Abroad info sessions (Early Fall 2024) -- pls. announce

Sun Jan 28 06:17:46 PST 2024

Could you please widely announce among students and faculty currently teaching large classes the upcoming two information sessions for my twelfth (and last!) CHID program in Viet Nam<https://studyabroad.washington.edu/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgramAngular&id=10636>, in conjunction with the NGO PeaceTrees Viet Nam?

Info session 1:
WED, 31 Jan., 2:30-3:30, in Padelford C101 (the CHID Lounge)

Info session 2:
THU, 8 Feb., 1:00-2:00, in Padelford C101 (the CHID Lounge)

The program, "Building for Peace in the Wake of War<https://chid.washington.edu/study-abroad/2024/autumn/building-peace-wake-war>," has been successfully run since 2007 and proven to be very popular. The 2024 iteration will be the last directed by me.

Thank you in advance,

Christoph Giebel, PhD (he), Assoc. Professor, International Studies and History
Director of Graduate Studies, S.E. Asia Center, Jackson School of Int’l. Studies
The Howard and Frances Keller Endowed Professor in History, Dept. of History
University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98195-3650, USA, < giebel at uw.edu<mailto:giebel at uw.edu> >
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