[Histmaj] Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal Accepting Submissions

Mon Jan 29 14:45:12 PST 2024

Dear Historians,

Another opportunity to publish your work! You should, of course, also submit to our own in-house journal, The Historical Review<https://history.washington.edu/historical-review>, but you can try other options too!

Good luck!


PUBLICATION OPPORTUNITY: Call for Submissions - Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal

Dear Students,

The Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal is now accepting submissions for its Spring 2024 issue!

The journal aims to allow undergraduate students the opportunity to engage with the academic publication process and to share original research on a wide variety of historical topics with our readers. We accept and encourage submissions from interdisciplinary perspectives, as long as the focus and approach remain historical. To learn more about our paper guidelines and submission process, visit our website<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/works.swarthmore.edu/suhj/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!n3fYReY8-1G1bW0JlCo1FQAedol8i5nrh0f50lCibglisMPNd1QY0p-hk1gJbGWTUmzmkRnTCzBQBSMaA_55Q85IDbwVifmJ$>. The link to the submission page on the website is here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/works.swarthmore.edu/cgi/submit.cgi?context=suhj__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!n3fYReY8-1G1bW0JlCo1FQAedol8i5nrh0f50lCibglisMPNd1QY0p-hk1gJbGWTUmzmkRnTCzBQBSMaA_55Q85IDayekwAI$>.

The deadline for submissions is March 25, 2024.

If you have any questions, email swarthmorehistoryjournal at swarthmore.edu<mailto:swarthmorehistoryjournal at swarthmore.edu>. We look forward to reading your submissions!

Swarthmore Undergraduate History Journal Editorial Board

Mark Weitzenkamp and Tracy Maschman Morrissey
History Undergraduate Advising
University of Washington
Smith Hall 315
Box 353560
Seattle, WA 98195
vm: 206.543.5691<tel:206.543.5691> fax: 206.543.9451<tel:206.543.9451>
Please click here to schedule an advising appointment! [outlook.office365.com]<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/UWHistoryAdvising@cloud.washington.edu/bookings/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!jAEA2nmjPwCoVlLLFX5AOWeHgOf5WeSJrMKs96sP9JyASmTNA9dpNWK6zFf2aFGWvu_z0d_Ka_3qvg$>
Student resources in times of need<https://history.washington.edu/student-resources-times-need>

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