[Histmaj] Early Fall LSJ/Pol S in Rome Info Session

HISTORY UNDERGRADUATE ADVISORS via Histmaj histmaj at u.washington.edu
Fri Jan 10 08:49:58 PST 2025

Dear Students,
Explore your study abroad options by attending and upcoming info session about LSJ/Pol S In Rome Study Abroad Program.

Upcoming Info Sessions:

Info Session #1:
Monday, Jan 13th | In Person: Smith 320 from 12:00pm-12:50pm

Info Session #2

Friday, Jan 17 | On Zoom from 12:00pm-1:00pm

Info Session #3

SATURDAY, Jan 18th from 11:00 am to 12:00pm on Zoom

Questions? Email Sabrina Tatta sabri at uw.edu<mailto:sabri at uw.edu>

Study Abroad UW Program Name:
LSJ/Pol S in Rome 2025: Comparative Legal Cultures and Individual Rights: Italy, U.S. and Europe

General Info:
LSJ/Pol S In Rome takes place in the heart of Rome, Italy. Students live in apartments near the UW Rome Center where classes are held. The program aims to help students examine different legal cultures and institutions in Italy, the United States, and the European Union (EU). In the classroom we explore the history, theoretical underpinnings, and lived reality of different legal systems, as well as the social, cultural, and ideological forces that have shaped their development. The Italian language learning component to the program is designed to promote cultural sensitivity and awareness. Outside of the classroom we undertake cooking lessons, trips to museums and sites such as the Supreme Court, which compliment the primary content of the course.

Credit load (which is considered part of a fall quarter credit load):

5 credits of Pol S or LSJ 495 (General Ed Social Science)

Program dates: Arrive in Rome on Saturday, August 23 and depart Rome on Friday, September 19th, 2025

Quarter: Early Fall: Early Fall quarter begins after summer quarter and ends before fall quarter. Credits taken in Early Fall are considered fall credits for Financial Aid purposes.
Cost breakdown:
$4550.00 Program (covers housing, classroom rental cost, guest lectures, credits, museum visits, tour of Rome, possible overnight trip, 11 group meals or food-related experiences)
$60.00 Insurance (required)
$510.00 Study Abroad Fee
Total Cost: $5,110.00
The cost of the program, insurance, and fees does not cover the cost of airline tickets and food (cost of tickets and food will vary by student).
Directors: Professor Walter Walsh<https://www.law.uw.edu/directory/faculty/walsh-walter-j/> (Law School) and Sabrina Tatta<https://jsis.washington.edu/people/sabrina-tatta/> (JSIS)
Final approval for program to launch pending.
Questions? Email Sabrina Tatta at sabri at uw.edu<mailto:sabri at uw.edu>

Sabrina Tatta Pronouns: She/Her/Hers : What does this mean?<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/assets2.hrc.org/files/assets/resources/TalkingAboutPronouns_onesheet_FINAL.pdf?_ga=2.223381340.692895893.1571303053-596389215.1571303053__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iBvw9QyMs4SJnKNJvPqTVNfLGncomOn25SqKm_NQVsrscWbKWwjzC-7tXKmkYAlhPn8ZlVKxim5O$>

Undergraduate Academic Advisor

The Henry M. Jackson School of International Studies

Thomson Hall / Box 353650
Seattle, WA 98195


Currently working from the Coast Salish, Tulalip, Duwamish and sduk?albix? (Snoqualmie) ancestral homelands. Where are you<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/native-land.ca/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iZKfKc3mBX3d6zyhjJWwo8jQQATWHKb8taINXmgFnns7n9u1Nt85GVsTxF54aXMlVmg3pezDhMivpxYj$> <https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/native-land.ca/__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!iZKfKc3mBX3d6zyhjJWwo8jQQATWHKb8taINXmgFnns7n9u1Nt85GVsTxF54aXMlVmg3pezDhMivpxYj$> working and studying from?

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