[Histmaj] UAA Advising is hiring Peer Advisers!
histmaj at u.washington.edu
Fri Jan 10 11:11:51 PST 2025
UAA Advising<https://advising.uw.edu/> is currently recruiting a team of Peer Advisers for the next academic year!
UAA Peer Advisers are experienced undergraduate students who receive extensive training and work alongside professional staff advisers to serve thousands of UW Seattle undergraduate pre-major students each year. Peer Advisers see students for 10-15 minute drop-in advising sessions that commonly involve discussing: course selection, major selection and declaration, satisfactory progress policies, registration, academic difficulty, and referrals to campus resources. Peer Advisers also answer emails submitted to the main general advising account of the university.
Attend an upcoming information session<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=W9229i_wGkSZoBYqxQYL0hyrHlzJSOpNm9QN3Yi9uOdUOEdRMjYxVlBQNkdVWkg3UDBXTFAyUEFXTC4u__;!!K-Hz7m0Vt54!hRhOQGmw30JbCkH6hTiezaUJZXVYOyFmwYozEGs3D_VWf-Pgd2WhlojZeF_ocqPHBjVmsVbQ8ZqXfeZEtD_VyRqldw$> to learn more and to hear from current UAA Peer Advisers!
The application and detailed job description can be found here: https://advising.uw.edu/peers
The application deadline is Sunday, January 26, 2025, at 11:59 PM PST.
Please send any questions to ajplant6 at uw.edu.<mailto:ajplant6 at uw.edu>
Take care,
Alex Plant
Alex Plant (she/her/hers)
Lead Academic Adviser
Undergraduate Academic Affairs Advising
Mary Gates Hall 141 | ajplant6 at uw.edu<mailto:ajplant6 at uw.edu>
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