[Histmaj] Students seeking C or W? A couple IWP Courses Still Open

Tue Mar 15 10:55:02 PDT 2022

Looking for a "C" or "W" course in spring? The Interdisciplinary Writing Program (IWP) has a few composition courses with openings that may be of interest to you:

ENGL 198 E/F/G is linked with Global Health 101/JSIS B 180/GEOG 180, and we are opening the writing course up to students who are either currently enrolled in the Global Health lecture, or who have taken it in a former quarter.

ENGL 298 B is linked with ANTH 213 - Anthropology of Sport. There are 8 slots left in the lecture, and they are reserved for students who commit to the writing link! This course may be of especial interest to student athletes.

ENGL 298 A - Writing in the Social Sciences and Freedom Struggles. This course, about Japanese internment and incarceration in America, promises to be a fascinating course designed by one of our longtime faculty members.

Megan Callow
Associate Teaching Professor & Director, Interdisciplinary Writing Program
Department of English
University of Washington, Seattle

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